Blake Lively once said, "The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence". I believe that this statement is so true for every aspect in your life. Whether it be in a relationship, a job interview, or just in your every day life, confidence is something that is extremely noticeable when you meet someone for the first time. It's a proven fact that generally, people are more drawn toward people with high self-esteem and people who regularly practice self love. Surrounding yourself with positive people that love themselves for who they are is imperative for a healthy social life. With that being said, I believe partaking in self love is something so important, and something everyone should do no matter your age or gender.
1. Speak highly of yourself.
Don't be afraid or ashamed to talk about your accomplishments in life. Be proud to tell people about all of the amazing things you've achieved, and don't hold back. Most people are nervous that it will come off as bragging, but if you do it in a humble manner, speaking about your accomplishments will be impressive conversation starters. Be proud of who you are and how far you've come instead of putting yourself down. Don't dwell on the foolish things you've done in the past, because after all, there is no winning unless there is failure first.
2. Do not be afraid to call yourself "beautiful" or "pretty".
There is nothing worst than constantly hearing someone go on about how ugly they think they are. It's very sad that a lot of people feel that they need to do this for attention, or to be told otherwise, but in all honestly it's just unhealthy. It's not good to negatively speak out loud about the things you hate about yourself. Confidence and self-love is contagious, so if you spend more time talking about things you DO like about yourself, physical or not, than others around you will most likely do the same. Loving yourself does not mean your conceited, and that is a very important thing to remember when practicing self love.
3. Express yourself with out holding back.
I feel like something that seriously contributed to my journey to self love was just feeling comfortable enough to be myself one hundred percent of the time. There is something so refreshing about being able to be who you are, and having people surrounding you that genuinely love you for that. Being yourself is the best way to practice self love, because how could you love yourself if you aren't being true to who you are? Life is so much more fun when you find people who like you for the way you are. We are too old to hold back and try to be something we're not.