It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Summer is one of my favorite seasons. You have vacations, trips to the beach, pool days, summer concerts and lots of ice cream. However, summer also means seriously hot days, coupled with sunburns and dehydration. Here are some ideas on how to stay safe and cool in the summer heat.
via Planet Blue
Water is the most important thing to have on you. Dehydration can occur a lot faster during the summer months especially if you spend a large amount of time outside in the sun. Everybody is different, so pay attention to your body. A good rule of thumb is to consume half your weight in ounces. For example, if you weight 120 LBS, you should be drinking around 60 ounces of water minimum, daily. Not a fan of water? Try adding fresh cucumbers, lemon, or other fruit to add some flavor and vitamins into your daily intake.
(Image via Stylebistro)
2. Enjoy Air Conditioning
Although being out in the sun is a lot of fun, spending time in air conditioning can be just as exciting. As someone who is in a country where there is no air conditioning in houses, I would say air conditioning is the greatest gift that was ever invented. Our bodies need time to enjoy cooler air and to not get overheated. Everyone has their own balance of how much time is best for them to spend outside.
(Image via Pinterest)
3. Sun Protection is the Best Protection
Sometimes young people don't wear sunscreen as often as they should because we think we may be invincible, but alas, we are not. Sunburns and sun stroke are all too common during the hot summer months. If you know that you will be out in the sun for a long period of time, make sure to wear sunscreen (and continuously reapply it) to prevent the worst sunburn ever. Hats are also definitely in style during the summer so rock a fedora, a baseball cap or any other type of hat during the summer to protect yourself and stay fashion forward.
(Image via Tumblr)
Enjoy the sand, sun, and surf this summer by being smart and staying hydrated and cool.