3 Reasons Why We Should Still Have Hope In 2020 Despite The Negativity That Has Surrounded It | The Odyssey Online
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3 Reasons Why We Should Still Have Hope In 2020 Despite The Negativity That Has Surrounded It

We must learn how to dance in the eye of the storm.

3 Reasons Why We Should Still Have Hope In 2020 Despite The Negativity That Has Surrounded It

It's safe to say that 2020 has taken the antagonist role in everyone's storybook. We have all been affected in one way or another by the wrath of this year, some more than others. Let's be real, Australia was on fire, a worldwide pandemic struck, and Kobe Bryant - along with his daughter Gianna - passed away in a devastating helicopter crash. The world hit a brutal rut of chaos, and we aren't out of the woods yet.

Amidst all of this, though, positives have come out of this seemingly grim time. Here are three reasons why we should still have hope in 2020:

Police reform

Breonna Taylor, the 26-year-old EMT who was gunned down in her home by Louisville police officers, was one of many victims protestors demanded justice for worldwide. Recently, the loss of her life led to a ban on no-knock warrants in Louisville, Kentucky, passed unanimously by Metro City Council. Alongside Breonna, George Floyd - the man strangled to death by police officers in Minneapolis - was the fuse that exploded a long line of protests across the country that caused many cities to ban chokeholds and strangleholds used by police for detainment measures. Although this fight is far from over, these bans are the tip of the iceberg for justice and police reform demanded by the citizens of this country.

Environmental Impacts

While we were all bored in the house and in the house bored due to COVID-19, the environment has covered astounding ground to recover from the detriment caused by humans over the years. In Venice, Italy, marine life has returned to the once barren canals - fish, dolphins, and plant life have been spotted thriving within the city. Also, the Himalayas have been spotted… from India!


Since we as a human race have had no choice but to put our lives on hold, things have started to get real as we have had to face our own demons more than ever before. So many self-help books, home self-help videos, and more have been provided to the public to help keep us all sane.

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