I don't write this to suggest those who let this name slip their lips as an curse word are to be watched, judged and hated on.
I write this because I realize that there are people who don't know the person behind the name, which is a great shame.
Don't get me wrong, hearing my best friends name tossed around like a ratty football brings me sorrow, great sorrow. Whenever I encounter a situation were this is happening I tear up, not because what happened was incredibly offensive to me but because the people saying the name did not know the being behind the name.
Today, I want to focus on top three reasons those who use Jesus's name as an expletive would like to get to know Him for who He truly is and ultimately stop stop using the name "Jesus" for the wrong reasons.
1. The Meaning Of His Name
the name "Jesus" is derived from the word Joshua, meaning "God saves". I won't dive deeper into onomastics (study of linguistics) but know that name equates identity. Jesus certainly walked in His identity. He lived a perfect life and died an awful death for us to have incredible lives.
2. What His Name Accomplished
So, Jesus means "God saves" but do we know what God might need to save us from?
We are all born into sin, as sinful beings. Our first thoughts are selfish. From that point and onward we lie, cheat, steal, stroke our pride, look for ways to work for perfection. All of these things miss the mark of perfection, thus they are sin in God's eyes. What did "God saves" do in order to cleanse us from our garbage?
He, a completely perfect man, died so that we could live eternally with the powerful, passionate God who made us. "God saves" did indeed save us.
3. Personal Relationship
Believe me or don't believe me, it's your choice but please know this: there are many people myself included who know Jesus as a best friend. He is the One who listens, who cares no matter what we have done. Even though He knows we have sinned and fallen far from grace He beams with joy when He sees us. He fills our hearts with warmth. Not only is He our Savior, He is our best friend.
And Guess what?
Jesus wants that exact kind of relationship with you and anyone you encounter.
Consider this post as a beckoning from Him. He wants you to ask questions and explore His nature. He wants to flood you with peace and cast out every fear you have. He wants to be your stability and your first love. He wants you to know how real and loving He is!
I would also ask you to keep this in mind: all the other gods expect a table to be set in their honor... what about the one, true living God? Well, He lays the table for us and invites to come and eat... He is what our souls long for. He is Love.
Words from the mouth of Jesus, "All those who are weary and laden, come to me and I will give you rest."