1. Facebook
Facebook is the place to get the latest trending news, see what your friends are up to, or show everyone your latest vacation in a photo album. Facebook is great because you can message others in a user-friendly environment and a beautiful interface. Posting a status has never been easier, and uploading a photo is even easier. As far as watching videos, Facebook makes it incredibly easy to watch related videos and find what you really enjoy. Facebook is a combination of Twitter, Youtube, and a personal experience all in one! Although you can be bombarded by content sometimes, there is always the simplest solution—take a break.
2. Instagram
Instagram is the greatest place to see snapshots from your friends' lives and upload your own. I use Instagram as an outlet to upload pictures every once in a while from important moments in my life. You can find everything from makeup tutorial videos to how-to food inspirations and pictures of beautiful prospective vacation spots. Whatever you choose to use Instagram for, I guarantee that you will find something that you like on the entire database of photos.
3. Pinterest
Pinterest is the epitome corkboard of inspiration for craft projects, amazing recipes, or anything else that you can think of. The delightful posts are user-uploaded, which contributes a wonderful sense of the Pinterest community. I have done countless projects from the website and I can say first hand that it has been extremely helpful. I have also used Pinterest as a weight loss aid because it has thousands of creative recipes, motivational quotes, and workout circuits that can be done at home or at the gym. Whatever you decide to do with a Pinterest account, I'm sure you will create something amazing.
4. Snapchat
Snapchat is a way of seeing hundreds of small moments from your friends' days that disappear after 24 hours. It is great to be able to see what they are up to and use it to show what you are up to as well. For example, I always post pictures of my food, because I love cooking and I take pride in the presentation as well. People seem to always come up to me and give me compliments on the things I cooked last night or to tell me that they would love to try a dish of mine sometime. Snapchat is the best for quick and momentous pictures of everyone's life!