Three letters changed my life and only for the better. Three letters brought me together with people I may have never known. Three letters helped me strive everyday to become a better person. Three letters stressed to me the importance of service and scholarship. Three letters taught me songs that I hum sometimes when I get scared. Three letters gave me people that would always be there. Three letters gave me hope when I felt like I had nothing. Three letters showed me what it is like to go out of your way when you see someone hurting. Three letters showed me that it is not about parties, t-shirts, cute boys, and having someone to sit with at baseball games. Three letters gave me Bible studies, my future bridesmaids, a lifetime of memories, library dates, study breaks, Waffle House dates, and so much more. But it didn't stop there.
From the minute I walked onto campus, into the first party during the first round of recruitment, and the first tear I cried as I opened my bid card - I knew it was real. I knew that I was becoming apart of something bigger than me. I knew that these were not just three letters, but they were seemingly bigger than that as crazy as it might sound. I remember being overwhelmed by emotions and thinking to myself "what if these three letters change me?" I would go back a thousand times to that moment if I could just to look at myself and laugh because those three letters were the change I really needed in life.
Those three letters gave me a second chance with God, friends, my family, really everyone. Without those letters I'm really not sure what I would have ever done. Those three letters kept me grounded and would help turn me into a woman instead of just a little girl. Those letters got me through a lot of things from breakups, disorders, deaths, broken bones, and everything in between. Those three letters never left me when times got tough. Those three letters gave me everything from "get well soon" cards, prayers, laughs, hugs and constant calls, just to name a few. The things those three letters gave to me were always more than what money could ever buy. If I "bought my friends" then I must still be waiting for the bill because these three letters gave me something money could never buy.
You see, those three letters are something more than a sorority, more than a sisterhood, it really is even more than a family. Those three letters gave me a new way of life.
Those three letters are something I will always cherish even when my days are few. Those three letters might mean the world to me and nothing to you.
If you have not found your three letters yet I hope someday you do.
I only hope that you find three letters that make you feel your best even on your worst days. When you feel like giving up I hope that you pray about it and that you stay.
I hope that you find the girls who make your tears turn into laughter, your breakups turn into dance parties, your late night loneliness be filled with company, your rides to Church on Sunday mornings and to yoga on Thursday afternoons, your gym buddies, tutors, mentors, moms-away-from-mom, your twin, your soul mates, and so much more than that. I hope you find the girls that sometimes drive you crazy, but you would not want to have it any other way. I hope you find the girls that accept you for who you are and only help you grow.
I want you to have a open mind and know that just because these three letters were for me, the same three might not be for you. Until the time comes and you're running to your new home, only God will be the one to know. I want you to not just pick the one with the prettiest girls, the most beautiful dresses, and the manicured nails. I want you to pick the girls who you can run to with open arms, the ones you know would go to hell and back for you from the very first day, the ones who are genuine, want to know more about you, and bring tears your eyes.
Remember that just because your friends' three letters might not be the same, that does not mean they did not see the same things that you saw. We are all different and sometimes want different things. We might not all see things the same way and that is okay because, if they are your real friends three letters will not scare them away.
Three letters may seem so little, but will change you so much. Three letters you do not just share with a group of girls in your chapter, but three letters you share with a lifetime of people and beyond. You might find your home with three, two, one, more, or less, but I promise those are the letters you will go to love the best.
So in closing I dare you to find the letters that truly change your life.