In lieu of thanksgiving being right around the corner, I just wanted to touch upon some thoughts busy college students may have when at the airport.
1. I'm late.
I always rush around the airport because my irrational mind screams that I'm late despite being 2 hours early for every flight i've ever been on. I tend to be irrational and dramatic when it comes to getting to my gate well before boarding to ensure that I am not going to be the last one on the flight. Dramatic, like I said.
2. What is that smell?
Airports, albeit good or bad, are some of the most fragrant locations. When my mum asks why I have random charges on my card for extremely overpriced airport food when she KNOWS that I ate prior to coming to the airport, I have no explanation. It just smelled sooooo good.
3. I wonder if I have anything that's not allowed in my bag.
Although I pack my own bags and I have been flying since I was three months old, the thought of getting my bag pulled off to the side during security gives me crazy anxiety. I always feel so bad for the people who have to step to the side and open their bags only to get something in their possession taken away from them. And also, what if that makes them late for their flight?? What if they're in a rush?? Questions, man.
4. I need coffee.
I always need coffee at the airport. Even just being there physically drains me and I have no idea why. I'm not sure whether it's the bustling atmosphere or just knowing that I have a long day of traveling ahead of me, but either way a coffee (or 3) is a must have.
5. Where are my headphones??
I always lose my headphones at the bottom of my bag in the airport. Naturally, when I most need them. They are my holy grail of staying sane in the midst of people frantically trying to get on their flights. I can not be there without them.
6. I hope I sit next to someone "good."
The worst thing ever is being seated next to someone you'd rather not be seated next to. I think I've only had one flight in my entire life that was really a bad situation, but I won't dwell on that. Sitting next to the "right" person is the key to a good flight.
7. How much longer??
Airports seem to be the longest waiting experience in my opinion. I feel like time passes by impressively slowly and that even if you've felt like half an hour has passed, it's probably only been like 4 minutes.
8. I'm bored.
As I mentioned earlier, I am always early for my flights and I give myself usually enough time to sit for a good while waiting for my flight to board. This is not something I actually enjoy, even though in my mind this is ideal because I am early and prepared for my flight. With this, however, comes so much boredom. I often have trouble sitting still and I get bored fairly easily. I repeatedly check twitter, snapchat, Facebook and all of my other social media sites because I just can not handle the boringness of sitting at my gate alone.
9. I'm so jealous of everyone who is already at home.
This one is pretty self-explanatory but I always find myself leaving a day or two after my friends do and let me tell you, I get some serious FOMO.
10. I have to pee.
I can not use the bathroom on planes. I did it once when I was younger and I was flying overseas and I was so traumatized by the fact that the second I locked the door and sat down, we had turbulence. I was like 6 and I decided to use the bathroom alone like a big girl. (The flush in plane bathrooms used to scare me). I regretted that decision almost immediately because I began to slide and have to hold the walls for balance. Never again. Use the airport bathrooms.