Recently, I moved back into college which of course meant Move-In Day. This is easily the worst day of the school year. Not because you're back at school, but because of all the stress and watching your life literally unfold. There are plenty of pros also: you get to see your friends (or in the case of freshmen, make new friends), and finally put together the dorm room you've either planned in your head, pinned on Pintrest or in my case, both. I've complied a list of every thought you probably had, or said, or both on move in day: the good, the bad and the ugly. They are in no particular order as they tend to come randomly. Hopefully, this is relatable to more than just me, so I don't look like the worst human to walk on a college campus.
"I'm not ready."
"I'll hit snooze...again."
"Do we really have to go?"
"I mean I could just not go...and drop out...but I actually can not do that."
"I need to take one last shower without shoes on."
"Do we really need another picture of me in front of the house?"
"Do we really need another picture of me in front of the car packed with all my stuff?"
"Are we ever going to get on the road?"
"We need to not show up when everyone else is going to, but I know we will."
" whole life fits in the back of a that depressing?"
"I packed WAY too much stuff."
"Mom, can we make a trip to Target."
"Dad, I forgot something we need to go to the bookstore."
"Dad, will you please carry everything from the car up three flights of stairs for me."
"This is too heavy."
"Look at all this sh*t. I don't even need half of this."
"I don't want this actually."
"Mom, will you please bring this home for me?"
"Mom, do you think this looks good?"
"Mom, will you make my bed for me?"
"When do you leave?"
"Yes, Mom."
"Yes, Dad."
"Just move and let me do this."
"Why are there so many people moving me in?"
"We do not need this many people to move one human into a dorm."
"Actually, we do need this many people."
"I thought I brought less this year..."
"Did I really have this much stuff last year?"
"When is lunch?"
"Can we go get lunch? I'm not ready for dining hall food yet."
"Don't leave me here."
"So...when can I go home?"
"Wait, I actually don't want you all to leave."
" Goodbye is the hardest word."
"I'll miss you!"
"I already miss them."
"Do you really need a picture of me in the dorm?"
"And one on the bed?"
"I'm tired."
"Thank you for all of your help! I could not have done it without you!"
"Please don't actually drive the car...without me."
"Mom, you forgot this."
"Oh right, I do have friends."
"Okay, I really love the quiet now."
"I do miss my family though."
"I love you!"