I’ve done sports pretty much my whole life, however I’ve only been serious with lifting and eating healthy the past 6 months or so. When I’m at the gym I tend to stick to myself and get what I need to get done. However, there’s always one or two grown men who are super fit that just look at me as if I have no idea what I’m doing. For your information sir, I know exactly what I am doing and I would really appreciate it if you would stop socializing in front of the weight rack, thanks. I can’t be the only one who watches others at the gym whether I'm resting or moving to another place in the gym. People watching often leaves me wondering many things to myself, without further ado, here are thoughts that run through my head at the gym.
“Is he on steroids?”
You know those guys who look like their arms might explode as they pick up their weights, veins bulging everywhere, it honestly just leaves me worried that their arm might possibly fall off if they make one wrong move.
That person is running on 6, so should I!
Cardio is not my friend, I try my very best to avoid it at all costs, I ran for 6 years and I still can’t walk up a flight of stairs without being winded. However, when I need to run, or do cardio I always find myself glancing at the person's machine next to me and checking their resistance and speed, you’re at a 7, and you’re briskly jogging but hey, I’m competitive and I totally need to go faster than you even though I can not maintain that speed for more than 45 seconds I will totally convince myself to do it and immediately regret it afterwards.
Some guy: “Do you need help with that”
Yes, I’m aware that I am 5’4 and this machine requires me to stand on my tiptoes to pull it down, but no thank you, I do not want, nor do I need your help, it’s not that heavy I’m just short, okay? You can leave me alone now.
“Am I doing this right?”
I don’t know if they are looking at me because I can lift more than they expected or I am doing this wrong, I guess I will never know.
“Stop looking at me!”
Seriously, I know I’m short and you could snap me like a toothpick, but I’d really appreciate if you stopped looking at me like I don’t know how to lift, because I really do, I promise. Side note: I don’t think you need that muscle milk, you look like you might burst at any minute.
“Am I swole yet?”
Who am I kidding, I will never be “swole”. I just need to look less like a beached whale in a bikini and more like a sea goddess… let me dream.
“What am I going to eat after this”
Half of the time the only thing that gets me through a workout is knowing I can eat something after. I do try to eat healthy things, like lot’s of protein and less carbs, which is definitely hard, but I do splurge, often, I can’t live without sweets!!
“I hope that person can’t smell me from here, do you think they can smell me? I hope not.”
Us girls do sweat you know, and it’s not made of glitter and pineapples, it smells and deodorant only helps so much. I try to stay as far away from people as I can at the gym because most of the time I look like I took a dip in the pool, but in reality I just finished my four set and I’m dripping. That smell is totally not me though!... or is it...
“Why did I put Adele on my playlist.”
You know that moment when you make a playlist and it is the greatest playlist ever, and then you go to workout and you realize you put way too many slow songs. How am I supposed to squat when I’m listening to Adele pour her heart out to me?
“Stop taking pictures in front of the squat rack”
Believe it or not, I came here to workout and I would really appreciate it if you stopped taking selfies directly in front of the squat rack. I understand you came here to take pictures to make it look like you live an active lifestyle, but could you move before I push you out of my way? Thank you.
Can I go home now?
The realization that you’re only halfway through your workout and you break a little inside. You do have a choice though, you can A. Be a quitter and go home or you can B. power through and make that workout fear you. Plus you will feel fantastic after! I can’t promise you about the day after, you might not want to leave your bed but hey it happens.
Sometimes going to the gym can be a struggle, we all know the feeling but at least we can be slightly entertained by the people who surround us and share our pain.