Working at a camp brings many emotions. You get paid, it's a lot of fun, and you get to work with kids. On the other hand, you work with kids, it's hot out, and it can be frustrating. While my experience has mostly been with young kids, we all know what these situations feel like.
When you meet your campers for the first time.
Oh my gosh they're so cute! Cool, a lot of them know each other already. This one seems quiet, I'll pay extra attention. Oh no, this one is already having a meltdown.
When you see your kiddies from last year.
Hi! You got so big, I missed you! Oh no, not that one.. don't see me, don't see m-Hey you!
When a child says he "needs help" in the bathroom, or they wet their pants.
Oh no, not again. Why me. How did she not notice her pants are wet? Aren't they supposed to be potty trained by now? I'm going to have to call her mom for a change of clothes.
When your camper face-plants into the wood chips.
Oh my gosh are you okay? What happened? Oh, that thing I told you not to do. Please don't let my boss see this... Okay let's go get you cleaned up.
When your kids refuse to listen.
How many times do I have to tell you not to climb on top of they monkey bars? Stop throwing the kickball at people! His mom better gives us a tip.
When a kid gives you their art project.
Oh my gosh this is so cute. Thank you so much, I love it! Wow, the kids actually like me!
When you finally get to go home.
Okay, only one kid left and I can leave... but it's the one whose parent is always late. Okay, I'm free! I need a nap.