No matter how strong you are, there are just some temptations of Target you can't resist.
Walking In:
Alright, I only need one thing. I am going to get that one thing and then leave. I'm not even going to look at the clothes.
Seeing the Dollar Spot:
Oh my gosh this is all so cute and so festive! I'm gonna make my life so festive and seasonal focus. You only need one thing today. Your bank account can't handle a Target binge.
Seeing the Clothes:
Swimsuits already? I love Target swimsuits so much! They're so cute and so can't hurt to try on one or two. Oh and these dresses! *proceeds to grab half the section and try it on*
In The Fitting Room:
I love all of this so much! But do I really need summer clothes now? It's still February and I live in the midwest. No, no, I'll put these back.
Technology Section:
Look at all these cute phone cases! Now that I think about it, mine is kind of beat up. I guess a new one isn't so bad. They're so cheap it's barely anything. While I'm at it, I should get a new charging cord.
Outdoor Stuff:
Aw, look at all these fun bikes and scooters. Maybe I should buy a scooter. I used to love mine so much. Eh, why not. And while I'm over here I could use a new water bottle too.
OMG sale candy!!! I need all of it!! And decorations! Next year I'm gonna be so festive just you wait.
I probably actually should get some snacks and stuff since they're so cheap here....
Beauty Aisle:
Look at all these colors! I know I already have at least 10 lipsticks but I need this dark one! And look at how cheap nail polish is! Ooh and hair dye! I'm gonna dye my hair later I think.
Home Decor Area:
All these blankets and throw pillows! I can always use another super soft blanket.
Yay sunglasses! I always lose these so I should grab like 5 pairs.
Well, there goes my paycheck.