I have been working at a sleep-away camp this summer and, as you can imagine, I have been spending a lot of quality time with children. While I do love being around kids because of their energy, honesty, and love for life, there are certain things that just don't make me too happy, drive me a little crazy, and make me question how I was once a kid. Like...
1. Me: Was I ever that little and cute?
Some of these kids are wicked cute. I just cannot believe most kids are that cute at some point. So little, so happy, so fun and so inquisitive... I just cannot believe I looked that little and young and innocent at one point. These kids are looking forward to the future and want to learn and that is something that I miss as an adult.
2. Kid: "What is that on your face?"
I have a freckle on my lip and these kids keep asking what it is. While their honesty is refreshing at times, sometimes their comments bring in my insecurities. They call other adults fat and I wonder what mean things they say about me. I know this is only because they are learning how to filter their thoughts still.
3. Kid: "Do you have a boyfriend?"
I have learned that the only acceptable answer to this question is to say, "Sorry. I can't talk about this." Otherwise, they will ask you if you've had one, how many, why you broke-up, or try and set you up with a counselor.
4. Kid: "Are you 30?" "Are you 17?"
Please don't call me a child. Please do not say I am 10 years older than I am.
5. Me: How did I not catch on to the adult humor in "Shrek" as a kid?
While watching "Shrek" the other day, I realized I was missing half of the humor in the movie as a kid. I cannot even imagine how many shows and conversations I heard and just did not understand as a kid.
6. Me: Was I ever so annoying?
My goodness. Kids can talk, beg, cry, ask too many questions and nag you to death. I feel terrible for my parents.
7. Me: I miss the days where I could eat that.
These ladies can eat. For breakfast, some of these 8-year-olds eat a bagel with butter, eggs, potatoes, fruit, a muffin and sausage. It amazes me how many pieces of candy, how much pizza and how many burgers they can eat without feeling the effects.
8. Me: How did I survive as a kid? They are so mean to each other...
Kids are not nice. Their honesty can cross the line, and when they are nice they end up crying a lot. Telling someone that they have ugly hair is not nice and for some reason this still has not clicked with them.
9. Kid: "That's what she said..."
I never know how to act when this is said. For the most part, I want to laugh and also think these kids are very funny. As an adult, I need to say, "Cut it out."
10. Kid: "What was sex?"
The inquisitive side of children is something that makes them so amazing. Yet, sometimes the questions are really hard to answer. When is the right time to tell kids about 9-11, terrorism, war, sex, drugs, Santa Claus, etc.
11. Kid: "You should date (insert another counselor's name here)."
Just please for the love of God do not.