The show "Shameless" is an amazing drama/comedy on Showtime. It follows the adventures of the Gallagher family from the south side of Chicago. It shows the hardships of each character, and how family is one of the strongest bonds there is. I just finished watching all the seasons on Netflix, and I already want to rematch it. So in honor of me finishing yet another show, here are some thoughts you may have during the day in college as told by "Shameless":
1. When Your Alarm Goes Off and You've Run Out of Time Where You Can Get Away with Hitting Snooze Again:
Just ten more minutes, please! I swear I just went to bed.
2. Walking Into Class Wishing You Were Still In Bed:
I can't function this early in the morning. Why am I awake right now?
3. When That One Person In Class Does Not Stop Talking and Asking Questions:
Please, stop interrupting lecture and let me continue not paying attention and instead, looking at dog memes.
4. The Internal Debate on Whether You Start Working on Your Homework Between Classes or Not:
I honestly wish it was this easy, but some days are harder than others.
5. Walking Behind People So Slow That You Panic That You'll Be Late to Class:
6. When You Get The "I Miss You" Texts From Your Ex:
Please, if I haven't responded to the other 5 texts, I clearly do not miss you.
7. When You See Someone Taking the Last of the Tater Tots in the Dining Hall:
I will fight you for those tots. I've watched enough "Shameless" to know how to fight someone.
8. Finding Out You Got A Good Grade on A Test You Barely Studied For:
You have no idea how you pulled that off, but you're too excited to care. You're putting this on the fridge!
9. When it's Your Last Class of the Day and Your Professor Keeps Talking Even Though the Class Has Been Over for .001 Seconds:
I just want to go home and forget about all the stuff I have to do.
10. When You Finally Get Back to Your Place and Immediately Crawl Into Bed:
You suddenly realize you have so much homework to do, but all you can think about is the tater tots you missed out at lunch. All of that fades away as soon as your head hits your pillow for a well-deserved nap.
11. That Feeling When You Actually Get Everything Done That You Needed To and Feel The Need To Celebrate:
A toast to not actually starting a fight with anyone over tater tots today! Now you get to do it all over again tomorrow!