We all have that love-hate relationship with the gym: we hate going, yet we love the results it produces. Just one visit to the gym will have you feelin' some type of way.
Here are a few common thoughts we all have at the gym:
1. "New month, new me, I am going to be SO fit."
2. "What machines do I even use?"
3. "Is this how you use this?"
4. "My matching tank and sneakers definitely make me look like a total workout junky."
5. "I really hope no one sees me dying over here."
6. *4 minutes in* "Wow, this is actually terrible -- I am dying."
7. "That chick on the bike is so skinny; should I just spend hours cycling?"
8. "ALERT: Hottie has just entered the gym. Okay, just look cute while sweating."
9. "Is that dude seriously taking a Snapchat selfie?! Whatever, I do it, too." #guilty
10. "How is it possible that I am still hearing your grunts over my extremely loud music? DO LESS."
11. "That girl is seriously glistening. Her hair is still perfectly straight, meanwhile I look like I just went through a car wash."
12. "This chick next to me on the treadmill is moving. She definitely wants to race." *looks to see that she is on level 15* "Yeah no, not today, I will keep at my level 6 pace, thank you."
13. "This is literally so boring. I've never been so bored in my life." *it's only been 8 minutes*
14. "That man over there is seriously the definition of a god. He is just beautiful -- I am drooling."
15. "Okay, be cool. Look like you know what you are doing on this machine."
16. "Geez, I am so hungry. What should I eat? A salad would be so healthy, but like I just burned SO many calories, I deserve an entire pizza. TREAT. YO. SELF."
17."Okay, so it says I've burned 154 calories, thats the equivalent of like two Hershey's bars, right?"
18. "Those girls on those workout videos make it look so easy, but yet I can't even balance on one leg right now."
19. "What song am I even listening to? I have got to update this playlist."
20. "I wonder how long that chick next to me on the treadmill has been going for -- 50 MINUTES?! IS SHE CRAZY?!"
21. "Whoever left their sweat stain on this mat is seriously repulsive."
22. "I am SO over this place. Peace out. I'm going home to veg."