I recently read an article titled “23 New Words For Emotions That We All Feel, But Can’t Explain” and it really stuck with me. Most of them are oddly sad and reflective, but nonetheless, very accurate and interesting. Reading some of these, I kept finding myself surprised that other people have felt the exact same way about things that I thought I was alone in thinking. Below are a few of my favorites, and then my reaction to them…
(n) The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own
Wow, yeah I guess I am pretty self-concerned aren’t I? That guy at Starbucks who cut you in line may have a sick mother who he needed to get home to which is why he cut you. Either that or he was just rude.
(n) The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat
I never really thought about this until right now, but now that you mention it…
(n) The frustration of photographing something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist.
Okay I think I’m depressed now. This one hit me hard. As an person who likes taking cool pictures and traveling…It really makes me think. How many other pictures are there of the Bean in Chicago or the Eiffel Tower? What makes me think mine are any better? I guess if you add people, it makes them unique and special, but just photgrpahing things, for the sake of it…is that worth it?
(n) The frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one place at a time.
RETWEET. Man, it would be awesome to be in two places at once. But actually, we are so limited in the places we go and the things we see, solely because there is only one of us. We will never be able to see all that we want to. Okay..this is getting a BIT too deep…
(n) The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet
This is one of my favorites. It’s like being in a school on the weekends, or a playground in the middle of the night. You can slmost hear the children in the hallways, and you can almost see the mom pushing her daughter on the swing, but you can’t wuite make them out. You know this is a place where those things happen, but they’re not, and it feels wrong.