Every week we typically take more than one trip to either the grocery store or when we go shopping for something new for our wardrobe.
Here are 5 typical thoughts that you'll most likely have while at the store:
1. Why am I going grocery shopping while I'm hungry? I'm just going to buy more food, which means spending more money that I should be.
2. Man, I wish I had more money to buy this shirt. Maybe if I worked more hours at work I'd be able to buy it. Well this shirt would require me to work 2 hours at work.
3. I really hope that I don't see someone that I know because I look like I just rolled out of bed.
4. I just came here to get shampoo, it'll only be in here for 5 minutes.
**walks out without buying shampoo but gets 35 other things.**
5. I really need this. I could use this for my bathroom.
**never uses it or opens it from the box**