In the last two months of the fall semester, there are a multitude of events and holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and finals season, just to name a few. However, one of the largest and most stressful events of the fall semester is not a holiday or final exams. Instead, it is the scheduling of classes for the spring semester. If you are someone who doesn't believe this, you are most likely an athlete or scholar with priority scheduling times or you are just extremely lucky in your class selection. For those of you who are first-years with the worst registration times or just students without priority, this statement is probably the most factual thing that you have heard this week. With worrying about curriculum requirements, prerequisites for majors, and having one of the last times to register for classes, it is a very stressful time in the semester. And, if the site crashes right before or even during your registration time, it seems like the whole world is going to end. To celebrate this oh-so-lovely time of class registration, I compiled a list of what everyone thinks about while scheduling their classes.
1. I definitely should have talked to more advisors.Â
It never hurts to talk to more people.
2. Why do you have to apply to some majors? Can't they just let anyone in?
And why do all of the application-based majors have to be so competitive?
3. What if I can't get this class that I need?
When in doubt, talk to the professor.
4. If I put myself on the waitlist, what is the actual chance of me getting into the class?
Honestly, not too bad!
5. Why does this curriculum need so many requirements?
I only have so much room in my schedule, and that is if I can get into the class.
6. If the Course Forum didn't exist, I would definitely be screwed.
So sorry to those professors with the worst ratings.
7. If the website crashes, should I just keep refreshing the page until it is fixed?
Probably. Or just cry.
8. What if I don't actually decide to major in this and am just taking the prereqs for no reason?
To get a more robust education?
9. Why does my SIS login have to expire so quickly?
If you aren't active on SIS for over ten minutes, you better be prepared to log in again.
10. Why does it say the class is full when there are still two seats open that could definitely be filled?
And what do I have to do to get one of these seats?
11. If it's a 3000 level class, is it really that much more difficult than the 2000 level?
Probably, yeah.
12. What if I decide to change my potential major and haven't taken any of the prereqs for the new one?
You should do two things: cry and talk to an advisor or dean.
13. Why do two of the most interesting classes I found have to be taught at the same time?
Worst. Luck. Ever.
14. If two classes are across grounds from each other, can I still make it there in 15 minutes?
Maybe, if you sprint.
15. How much will I be able to function if I take an early morning class?
The answer for me: not a lot.
16. Thank goodness for Lou's List.
And for its wonderful organization.
17. How close is this class to food?
Because food is a priority.
18. How much reading will I have to skim through last minute for this class?
Let's be honest, we all have a class where we do this.
19. Does this professor grade on a curve?
Anything to have a better GPA.
20. How difficult are the tests for this class?
When you don't do well on the tests even after studying for days, you know that this class isn't for you.
21. Is it better to schedule most of my classes on certain days, or spread them out?
"If I concentrate most of my classes to Tuesday and Thursday, I will have the entire day before to do homework and study."
22. There are so many classes that fill this requirement, but there are either none that are interesting or all of the interesting ones are already full.Â
If it's crucial that you complete this requirement this semester, just try to survive through the more boring class.
23. How come this class does not have any comments on Course Forum?
You're going to need some blind faith to take this class.
24. If basically all of the classes that I wanted to take are already full and my registration time hasn't even started yet, I am going to cry.Â
It's okay, practically everyone understands your struggle.
25. Well, there is absolutely no way that I am going to get this course for next semester.Â
Better luck next year.
Let's face it, scheduling for classes can be really tough and stressful, especially when you are still in the process of deciding what you want to major in. If you don't get into a certain class, it may seem like the world around you is falling apart. However, just know that you will be okay. Even if you don't get into a class this semester, you can always join the waitlist or take it next semester. And, if you won't be at UVA next semester, talk to the professor or your dean and hopefully, you will be able to join the class. So, in those final moments before your registration time opens, remember to take a breath and be happy no matter what classes you get. In the grand scheme of things, everything will be okay.