Whether it's at the drivers you've encountered or thoughts you've had to yourself, you've definitely thought these things while driving.
1. Why don't you use your turn signal? @ the driver who just cut me off
Let me just say if you're going to switch lanes or actually turn somewhere, PLEASE use your turn signals. It ain't fun to almost crash into you when you all of a sudden spasm into my lane.
2. This ain't a car race so please slow down
Ok, cars that are literally going at 100 mph. Why? Like is there somewhere that you really have to be at? Come on you got to be safe here, I know we're all in a rush but like be safe! know I sound like a mom but it's true.
3. Why did you literally wait to merge into this lane until now? Now you're just cutting me off.
Whenever I merge into the freeway there's just someone who forgot to merge earlier on and now is forcing me to let them through. Listen. imma let you go through, but please merge before.
4. Ok, please let me into the lane. Come on. Really do I have to stick my hand outside my window?
On the other hand, you know when there's just slow, and I mean SLOW traffic. And suddenly the freeway is splitting into two different freeways and like no one's letting you merge into the lane that you need to get to. Yeah, um that ain't a good feeling
5. Wow, traffic. Okay gotta put on a lit playlist.
Every time I get on the 405, I have to be ready with some boppin music.
6. Can we move any slower?
But somedays there just seems to be no end to the traffic.
7. Really you're putting on your makeup? Is this really the time and place?
Listen, I know we sometimes leave our house in a rush and I get it- trust me. But girl, you gotta be safe and doing anything else while driving that isn't looking at the road is just dangerous.