I was recently given the task of the cleaning the house myself. Here are some thoughts that popped into my head during my recent scrub down.
1. Where do I start?
You look around the house and have to decide what to tackle first. The kitchen? The living room?
2. Where are the cleaning supplies?
As someone who lives at college most of the time, coming home and not remembering where things are kept is normal. Where is the Windex? Under the sink? Where is the broom? The vacuum cleaner?
3. I bet this will be more fun with music!
Everything is better when you're blasting music. Especially when you're vacuuming.
4. I hate dusting.
There is nothing worse than kicking up dust and the inevitable sneezing that follows. Luckily, this time I used a microfiber duster. No dust clouds for me!
5. Will someone comment on my cleaning?
I know cleaning the house doesn't really warrant