There's a running theory around the University of Connecticut that it always rains on Tuesdays.
I didn't believe it either until I got here and it in fact, always rains on Tuesdays. Maybe not full blown like recently (thanks mother nature), but it does. And when it does... we all suffer. We're all on the same page with how miserable it is so let me just share with you what goes on in the head of a waterlogged husky.
1. I should use my umbrella
It'll keep be nice and dry.
2. Nope. Forget the umbrella.
I didn't want to use it anyway...
3. I should have taken the bus.
At least that would mean I wouldn't have to walk.
4. Wait. Where is the bus?
Never where it's supposed to be. Thanks UConn transit services. Did you know we all hate the new bus routes? Well now you do.
5. Is my laptop getting wet?
My backpack isn't waterproof... what's happening in there??? Should I run???
7. This rain jacket is doing nothing.
I guess it's still good I have one though.
8. Do I bother wearing my hood?
Doesn't matter. Your hair is already wet.
9. Do I bother showering later?
Might as well have brought my body wash and shampoo with me.
11. Rain boots are a gift from god.
Splash in those puddles like Peppa Pig. It's the only joy you'll get that day.
The only thing that benefits from the rain is the grass. Good for you grass because the rest of us HATE it.