The long awaited and widely dreaded week of finals is now upon us. There is no escaping it and there is no remedy to its daunting and life ruining nature. Like Satan, final exams come to steal, kill, and destroy. Finals ravish our lives, mental health, sanity, sleep routines and basic hygiene (dry shampoo is my savior during finals.). Our lives are suddenly not our own, but they belong to the library. We have all spent countless hours studying for exams, and while we might not want to admit it, we have all had some of these thoughts while slaving away behind the eerie glow of our laptops.
I have procrastinated long enough, so just buckle down and just get this over with.
I mean, how long could this really take?
LOL. Where do I even begin?
Why did I wait this long to start studying? I always do this to myself, and always tell myself not to do it again.
But clearly, that never happens.
I guarantee we never went over this in class.
Well maybe we did, I should have gone to class more.
I need to work on that next semester.
I wonder if someone else has made a quizlet for this.
Should I send an email out to everyone to ask?
I mean I know that’s super annoying and makes me look irresponsible, but I’m kinda desperate.
I wonder if anyone else just started studying too.
I have been studying for an hour and I have made 0 progress.
What’s the lowest score I have to get in order to pass?
Finals are so dumb. I don’t believe in finals. They really don’t gauge how much I have learned this semester.
Especially because I have test anxiety, like that’s not fair.
I actually don’t have test anxiety. I just say that to make myself feel better.
K, its been 2 hours and I have still learned nothing.
Maybe I should just email my professor and tell him that it was irresponsible for me to wait this long to study and that I’m really sorry. Maybe he will appreciate my honesty and take it easy on me.
Who am I kidding?
If I fail this final I’m going to fail this class, then I’ll lose my scholarship, then I’ll have to drop out, then my family will be disappointed in me, then I will have to start working at a fast food restaurant, then I’ll have to live on the streets. My entire life is actually over.
I think I’m crazy. Like for real.
Why is the library SO cold?
If I take an hour and 53-minute nap now, I could sleep a little but still have 4 and a half hours before the test.
Sleep is important though and I shouldn’t compromise my health for one test.
Actually, I shouldn’t compromise my GPA for one night of sleep.
I think my eye is twitching.
K well, clearly I’m learning nothing. I’m just going to bed.