A big part of this thing people call “adulting” is getting a job. As awful as that sounds to those of use who refuse to grow up, it is a sad fact of life. All across campus, the over achievers are lining up jobs and internships with their gorgeously crafted resumes full of prior job experience and volunteer experience that makes them look like Mother Teresa while you are lucky enough if you remember to feed your cat. You are tired of your parents constantly nagging you about your lack of finances, and you definitely feel like the slacker. You decide to prove everyone wrong and begin your resume.
1. I'm going to apply for a job!
2. This should be pretty easy. I've got many cool qualities.
I mean, who else can binge watch ten seasons of "Grey's Anatomy" in two weeks!? I'm really good at procrastinating and being overly dramatic. See?! This is going great!
3. Wait, why are there so many options?
4. What if I don't technically have previous work experience?
Do I leave this section blank or...
5. How do I make myself sound cooler than I actually am?
I don't know what pragmatic means, but I think it makes me sound important. I would totally hire a pragmatic person.
6. Can "padding resumes" go on my resume?
7. Can I list my best friends as references?
8. Have I ever actually accomplished anything?
9. Do I really even need this job?
10. Unfortunately, yes I do.
11. If you could hire me, that'd be great.
I am in serious need of this job. What I lack in resume quality, I totally make up in enthusiasm.