The holidays are a time for
joy and a time for giving. Although, at times it can be a bit rough trying to
plaster on a happy face. There are times you need a good cry, or even a strong
drink. So here’s to all you holiday goers out there who need a little bit more
to get them through the holidays.
1. When you are trying to decide whether or not you can make it to the holiday gathering, and you realize you have not gone out since last Christmas.
We all are guilty of wanting to stay in our room during the holidays, sneaking food and movies in while avoiding guests and family that are bound to drive you crazy. But when this is the one social event you go to all year, you somehow convince yourself it won't be as bad as last year.
2. When you eat one of everything and immediately regret the food baby you will be carrying around for the rest of the day.
All you want to do is eat, not only because the food is good but because this is the one time of the year it is acceptable to eat your problems away. Although, you regret it every time.
3. When your family starts to ask you those personal questions like how is your love life, how is work, how is school, and really any topic that doesn't seem to be going well in your life at the moment.
Family members tend to be the nosiest people around, they do this out of love, yet every time you end up crying over how terrible you think your life is.
4. When that one crazy family member continues to ask you those questions and won't let you just move on with your life.
When will they ever stop? The answer is never. My advice to you is get out of there before they dig too much deeper and uncover things even you forgot about.
5. With all the running around and screaming children sometimes you just crave time to yourself.
Let's be honest, our families can get a bit crazy, and sometimes you just need break.
6. When you have to explain for the 100th time why your last relationship did not work out.
Why is it that no one ever lets the past go. They always have to ask about that previous relationship leaving you to dig deep into your soul and not be too cruel about them.
7. Trying to convince your family that you are okay and not dying inside.
When you cover up your pain by smiling, but everyone can tell you are faking it.
8. When they finally decide to open presents or eat food... and that's all you really came for.
All the craziness is worth it when you finally get to eat and/or open presents and you are overcome by pure joy.
9. its been a long day, treat yo self.
From crazy family members, to burning the turkey, and many other misfortunes all you want is a strong drink.
Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays, but sometimes they are a lot more to handle than we thought possible. While family members point out your terrible life choices, children scream, and the alcohol runs out, remember that the holidays are a time for love, happiness and family, so try to not get too annoyed. Happy holidays.