It's 1:30 am, I have an exam tomorrow, I guess now technically today...but I only have one episode left, and it's the finale.
"Do I watch it or wait till tomorr-..."
"I can't believe this is the last episode. They have to make another season."
(Intro Song)
"I love this song. I should look up the name of it."
(Opening Scene)
"You've got to be kidding me."
"I hate that guy."
Ziggy is at home, sick. He tells Jane that he is friends with Amabella and that he isn't the one hurting her.
"Come on Ziggy, just tell her!"
"No way. One of the twins"
"Makes sense."
Celeste is organizing her new apartment.
"Why is she wearing gloves?"
"Please Perry, don't show up to the apartment."
Gordon Klein interrupts Madeline and Jane to talk at the coffeehouse.
"What a psychopath."
"GO TOM! That's what I am talking about."
Tom to Jane:
"I knew he liked her, so obvious."
Renata & Gordon
"Why is her hair like that?"
"He should not be wearing that."
Jane getting ready to leave for the fundraising event
"Looking good, Jane."
"I love makeover scenes."
"YASSSSS! I love Tom. He is such a nice guy, so sweet"
Madeline and Ed's entry to event
"Oh, yeah. He is totally suspicious."
Perry tells Celeste that her friend, Tracy, called
"HE KNOWS!!!!!!????****&&&&&$$$$####@@@@"
"What is she supposed to do now?????"
Tori continues to make eye contact with Ed
"She is totally freaking out."
"I am paranoid for her."
Celeste and Perry are discussing their situation in the car
"You tell him Celeste!!!!"
Later, the two are inside the event
"Just leave her alone already"
"Finally! Someone sees what's going on!"
"Go help her, Bonnie."
Perry comes to find Celeste, again. Perry to Renata:
"Oh, be quiet."
"Why is Jane looking at him like that????"
"IT WAS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"They all know. OMG"
Literal chaos happens
"Do it Bonnie!"
"I like you Bonnie"
Closing scenes
"I can't believe I didn't see that it was Perry that did that to Jane. How did I miss that?"
"Wait, who is watching them now????"
Update: I am still questioning how I never even began to believe Perry was 'Saxon' all along. I am slightly disappointed in myself for the carelessness of my predictions.
Best show ever.