The opening ceremony of the Olympics is a bonding moment for not only the athletes participating in the competitions, but also the citizens of the countries being represented. Watching the opening ceremony is something we do as a family every two years, and never fails to bring my family together. We gather around the TV and cheer on the USA team as they enter the arena grasping the American flag and representing our nation. While we watched the opening ceremony for the 2016 Rio Olympics there were many thoughts that popped into our heads. Here’s a few:
1.That was a clever use of an olive branch in the peace symbol projected on the arena floor.
2.How do they get fireworks to spell out words? I want to see USA in the sky.
3.Why are there people in white carrying creatures on their back?
4.What are they trying to represent?
5.Are those indigenous performers’ butts showing?
6.Don’t they normally blur that out?
7. The people performing parkour stunts are more athletic than me.
8. Is this an opening ceremony or an acid trip?
9. Are they going to do something cooler than projection art?
10. Was that Gisele?!
11. Where’s Tom Brady?
13. Thank god for the NBC reporters because I would not have understood anything that just went on?
14. How many countries are there?
15. Why is the United States of America being presented out of order?
16. Really Bermuda? You thought it was clever to put your athletes in Bermuda shorts?
17. Is it time for USA to walk in yet?
18. I didn't even know that was a country.
19. America is next!
20. USA! USA! USA!
21.Nice job Ralph Lauren!
22.We have the best dressed athletes.
23.Wow look at those muscles.
24.How do you even get that built?
25.Maybe I should start working out.
26.I want to be at the Olympics.
27.The next Olympics competition should be held in America.
28.These people are dedicated. I can hardly decide what food I want to eat for dinner. I could never commit to something for that long.
29.There are still more countries?
30.Do I have to keep watching?
31.I mean USA already entered.
32.When do they start competing for medals?
33.We have to get more gold than China!
After watching four hours of the opening ceremony, I am beyond ready to see our athletes being crowned winners up on those pedestals. I can’t wait to see our medal count rise as we hopefully come out on top. Here’s to 19 days of the most intense competitions and cheering on the good ole US of A.