As a college student, the inevitable truth you must face is walking to class on days when you could nearly swim there. There's really no way around this. Your professors probably won't cancel, you still have assignments you need to turn in, and the cars driving past you on the road aren't going to avoid that puddle ( get splashed). The best way to cope with the crummy weather is to put on your best rain boots, practice your power walking, and get where you need to be as fast as possible. Easier said than done though, right? Things still run through your mind, like...
Dear umbrella, stay strong.
As you're hustling to class bracing the hurricane-force winds and torrential downpours, you feel a gust of wind sneak in under your umbrella. Your eyes widen with fear and you immediately start to speed up. Uh oh... Another gust of wind comes through, and this time, you hear your umbrella make a snapping sound. You look up to check the status of your umbrella, but it's too late. Rain drops are already slapping you in the face. You think to yourself, "This is where it all ends." The only positive thing is that no one can see your tears because you are soaked from the rain. It may be time to invest in an unbreakable umbrella, like this one.
Why didn't they tell me campus was below sea level?
You're trying your hardest to avoid these puddles, but there's only one quick way to get to the building you need to get to, and you want to get inside ASAP. Your umbrella has already broken, and all you're left with are your rain boots, which are already sunken ankle deep. You didn't sign up for this.
I'm sure my hair and outfit are flawless right now.
Let's face it... No one looks red carpet ready when it's raining and you have to walk on campus. You shouldn't even try. If you do try, you will probably end up looking something like this.
OK, I get it. You love each other. You don't need to share a dramatic kiss in the rain.
I'm sure you will see each other at some other point in the day. You are not Allie and Noah from "The Notebook." Not even the rain water could wash away the dirty look I'm giving you.
I'm 90 percent positive that everything in my backpack is completely soaked.
Sorry, teach. Instead of giving me homework, you should've given me a boat. Or, I don't know... an excused absence? But really, no, no. It's fine.
Did you not watch the weather or do you just enjoy being miserable?
There's always that one person (usually some type of "macho man") who thinks he is too cool for rain gear. This person dresses for a rainy day like he would for any normal day. Although, in their defense, a lot of the time they really just don't watch the weather. Either way, they are at fault and look completely dumb walking around like it's not raining. Don't pretend to be Taylor Lautner in "Twilight." Put a rain jacket on. Do better.
Walking to class through a storm is going to happen multiple times throughout your college career. So, the next time you're faced with a rainy day, three classes, and two assignments all at the same time, just put on your happy face and put your best foot (rain boot) forward.