As a college student, you will definitely have a lot of things to think about. You meet so many new people and make so many new friends it is almost enough to make a person go insane. You also get to deal with countless other things, and while you walk to your next class, or simply to a friends dorm here are some thoughts you may have.
1. I am definitely going to get hit with a car
2. Why is everyone driving so fast?
3. What is the Dinning Hall having today?
4. I just failed that exam/test/midterm/quiz.
5. I Aced that exam/test/midterm/quiz!
6. Maybe I should switch my major..
7. Man I'm too broke for this.
8. Oh! Its that one kid from my one class!
9. Remember that one really awkward thing you did last semester? Yeah everyone probably still remembers that.
10. I should be studying for that test coming up...oh well!
11. My legs hurt from all this walking
12. Who needs leg day when you live on the top floor with no elevator?
14. Man, that one Professor gets on my nerves
15. Hit me with your car, I dare you.
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