Shopping — my favorite activity, hobby and sport. Yes, I just called shopping a sport. In my opinion, one can be "good" at shopping, just as he or she can be skilled or "good" at baseball and soccer. With that being said, there are most definitely people that do not excel in the shopping field just like the people who don't hit it off on the field. Aside from a few good drives in golf, let's say my best skill, "athletically," is picking pieces from here and there to put together. I mean, we could technically call this math too it's basically addition. A true shopper often has similar thoughts while "practicing," which is why it is good to be aware, but not always necessary to listen to them.
The Conversation Every True Shopper Has In Their Head (in order)
You: This is so cute.
Your head: Is it cute or is it AHHHHMAZING?
You: AHHHHMAZING. For sure. I mean, look at it.
You again: I need this. Like it's necessary.
Your head: No, no you have it in black. Stay strong.
You: The same item just means consistency.
Your head: Your bank WILL HATE you, I promise.
You: I'll skip dinner this week!
Your head: We both know that's a lie.
*finds another item*
You: Oh my gosh this is to die for.
Your head: Seriously stop. Like why am I even here?
You: I didn't ask you to come.
Your head: Don't you dare.
You: I got both. Don't feel like you have to come next week- I get along just fine without you.
Now, if my bank account actually let me get both every time, that would be a dream. But I would be skipping lots of dinners. Some call it debt, I call it "building credit"? (totally kidding!!!) (kind of). I will certainly admit that this sport is one of my favorite things to do, and I know I'm not alone because if I were, I'd always be best dressed (and I'm not).