Today I tried something new.
For the first time in a long time, I decided I would try something I had never before attempted. In the spirit of good fun, my adventure buddy and I took some mountain bikes onto a trail rather close to my house. These are a few of my thoughts as I set out to tackle my newest adventure.
1. "This is easy!"
When I first started out my ride, it was super fun and I thought, "why is this even considered a work out?" My second thought was, "I could do this all day."
How very naive I was...
2. "That burns a little bit."
About 10 minutes into the ride and the trail starts going uphill. "no biggie, right?" I think to myself as I slowly begin to climb. "I'm an athlete, and I can go all day, this trail has got nothing on me."
Oh my poor poor optimistic self....
So this might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but I'll tell you that I was definitely feeling the burn on this one. Instead of a nice easy grade, I was now struggling to pedal up an insane incline, not a fun thing. "Why am I doing this?" Was now the only thought that was resounding in my head.
4. "This is nice, walking is nice."
Part of the way up the incline, I decided it was best to take to my own two feet and start making tracks. I braced my arms and pushed against the aluminum frame, "much better" I thought to myself...
I thought wrong.
Yes, that is correct. Not long after I took to my feet I quickly discovered that this trail was indeed the devil. Nothing about this trail was fun, it was steep and rocky; all-in-all a no-go for a novice mountain biker such as myself.
After all my struggling up the incline I had finally made it to flat ground, "Halleluyer!!!" was all I could think.
I think it's safe to say hills and I... we don't really get along anymore.
7. "I'm flying!"
I had now made my way to the end of the trail and had turned back. In turning I suddenly realized that that upwards incline was now working in my favor. I took to the pedals with renewed vigor and felt as if I was flying. Speed was building and freedom was abounding. "This is the best thing EVER!!!" was now the only thought running through my mind.
8. "That was TOTALLY worth it!!!"
Who's up for round two?!?! Just kidding, although I loved every second of it, I think I'll give my body a few days to recuperate. There is nothing quite like the feeling of flying though, I will say that.
Mountain biking isn't for sissies, and although I had so much fun today, I don't know when I will make that venture again. I will say that trying something new is probably the best thing for the human spirit; it frees you and perhaps enlightens you into a world you would otherwise never know. So do yourself a favor and try something new -- you never know what could go right!