Being born a girl comes with great responsibility. You have to do your hair, apply your makeup each day, and spend hours picking out an outfit to wear. A task so simple for any man but seems life-altering to a woman. Often times we will just stand in front of our closets, staring at the same clothes that were there thirty minutes prior just hoping that something new will catch our eye.
So much time and effort is spent picking out an outfit, which can ultimately be very stressful. Often times, men are waiting for us to get ready to get dressed or poke fun at the many times that we change our outfits. Leaving the house with twenty different outfits spread throughout the room half-inside out is more common than you might imagine.
Yes, we will admit as girls that it does take us an ungodly amount of time to perfect our outfit but we wouldn’t look as good if we didn’t. Here are some thoughts that go through us women’s heads as we try to construct the perfect outfit.
1. *Stares at entire closet* I have nothing to wear.
We’ve all been there, staring at our closet full of clothes and claiming that we have nothing to wear. In reality, our closet is packed tight without any room to spare.
2. Will people notice I didn’t shave my legs if I wear shorts?
One of women’s ultimate life struggles. The struggle of wanting to wear shorts, but not wanting to shave our legs. So what do we do? We wear shorts and hope that no one gets close enough to see our legs!
3. If I sweat during the day, will it be visible through this color shirt?
Planning and looking ahead in regards to our outfit is one of our specialties. If it’s going to be a hot day, it’s important to wear something light and not the color grey!
4. What shirt can I wear with leggings/yoga pants so I don’t have to wear jeans?
If you don’t have to wear jeans, then why would you? Wearing leggings or yoga pants is one thousand times more comfortable. Making sure that you pick out the right shirt to wear with your leggings or yoga pants is essential!
5. Should I save this outfit for a day where more people will see me?
Sometimes you wake up in the morning and you’re able to find the perfect outfit. That is, until you realize that you aren’t exactly doing anything today and aren’t going to be seeing many people. So you put that outfit aside for a day where you know you’re going to be out in public and people can admire your outfit.
6. Will people remember if I wore this shirt on Monday?
Everyone has certain clothes that they like more than others. Therefore, you’re going to want to wear these clothes more often, but you’re hoping that no one will remember that you just wore it at the beginning of the week.
7. Will dark or light jeans look better with this shirt?
A girl is always trying to perfect her outfit and sometimes a shirt goes better with a lighter or darker pair of jeans. So you try it on with the light jeans, and then the dark jeans to see which pair completes your look.
8. I’m never going to wear that shirt, but I’ll keep it in my closet just in case one day I decide to.
We all have those clothes in our closet that we never wear, but will never part with. We don’t know why we won’t get rid of them, but we just don’t. So, they continue to sit in our closets untouched and not worn.
9. Do you think people will notice this stain?
Stains are hard to get out and when you stain one of your favorite shirts, you have a hard time accepting the fact that it needs to be thrown out. So, you keep it in your closet and act like the stain is small and that people won’t see it.
10. That’s *insert friends name's* shirt, I won’t see her today so it should be okay if I wear it, right?
We’ve all done it. Borrowed someone’s clothes and kept them in our closets and continued to wear them when they’re not around. The struggle is, making sure you don’t wear it around them so they don’t, a) get mad, and b) ask for it back!
These are just some of the things that go through a female’s mind when picking out clothes to wear. As you can see, girls don’t take picking out an outfit lightly, so next time you see someone make sure to compliment them on what they’re wearing. A compliment to a girl on what she’s wearing can go a long way and she will gain a newfound sense of confidence.