My phone is ringing. I pick it up and look to see my mother’s picture and name pop up on my screen. My stomach drops and my heads whirls. The following thoughts rush through my head:
1. What have I done wrong?
All of the things that I have done wrong in my entire life rush through my head. My mind is swamped. Was it about that time that I forgot to let the dog outside or when I was texting my brother about her and she saw? Did she find out about that bad grade on my Economics exam? How would she even know that?
2. Did I forget it was someone’s birthday?
Wait, was it her birthday? Is it my parents’ anniversary? Oh, is it my birthday? Did I forget my own birthday? I probably didn’t, but I’m so busy that this may be likely.
3. Is she calling to ask about my weekend?
Did she realize I didn’t tell her where I was or what I was doing? I don't think she would have approved of my choices, some of them were pretty dim-witted. She probably stalked my Facebook pictures and realized I was in a different state…oops, common mistake I guess. Delaware is the same as Indiana, right?
4. Ok, wait. Did something happen?
Did someone die? Did someone crash my car or get into an accident? Did the house set on fire? Please don’t tell me that our dog died, I don’t think I could handle that honestly, Mom.
5. Are you here?
Oh jeez, please don’t tell me that you came to visit me the one weekend where I have 13.5395830 billion things to do, and I have plans every second of the day. I appreciate your company and all, and it is, of course, a very sweet gesture, but seriously, I’m booked 27 hours of the day, and you know that’s more time than I have. Love you, Mom!
6. Maybe this will just be a normal conversation…why is she being so nice?
This is weird. Something has to be wrong. I must have done something. Ok, ok, I’m going to pray for my well-being right now and hope that I didn’t accidentally manage to anger her when I am not even in the same state.
7. I really missed her. I’m so glad she called.
And the conversation proceeds as usual, without all of the crazy thoughts running through my head. I don’t know why I was so stressed out, everything is okay.
Thanks for calling and checking in on me, Mom. I may seem annoyed at the time, and I’m probably very overwhelmed, but talking to you for even a minute takes my mind off things and shows me that someone cares about me (hopefully no matter what mistakes I make).