1. I need a car
If I had a car I wouldn't be riding the metro. But unfortunately college has taken all of my money and has left me with only enough money to put on my smart trip card every 2 weeks.
2. Are you really disabled?
Oh did that sound rude? Here let me rephrase it: are you really incapable of standing for a few metro stops? Someone who is REALLY disabled or elderly is standing while you the un-disabled person are sitting comfortably looking down at your phone because you don't want to make eye contact with someone who is staring you down because you took the seat that they are suppose to use because of their disability. Yeah what a jerk you are.
3. Excuse me bag, can I sit there?
Unfortunately I encounter this everyday.There's always some woman or man who thinks that their bag is royalty and needs a seat of their own instead of holding it on their laps and letting another human being sit in that seat. Why people?? Why??
4. You are not the Incredible Hulk, please don't try to open the doors.
Why do men think it's okay to stop the doors from closing by pulling them apart like they are the Incredible Hulk? The doors are closing stop trying to be the hero by letting the other riders in, if they missed the metro, they missed the metro. I don't think he realizes he's preventing the rest of us from getting home.
5. Dear lady with the glasses, I can see you staring at me.
Nothing makes me more uncomfortable if it's not seeing someone use their sunglasses as a way to stare at people and be nosey. Obviously we are making eye contact through your sunglasses,so it's time too look away from now ma'm.
6. Why does it take 3 minutes after people are already in the metro cars to close the door.
I get it, schedule maintenance but do you have to do that at every stop?? Geez at this rate I'm never going to get home!
7. To the jerk who blocks the doorway......
You're not suppose to be there sir. Can't you see we're all struggling to get inside the doors because you decide it's okay to stand by the doors and not move. Don't you hear the driver "please go to the center aisles of the metro cars." Obviously not if you're standing there. Next time I will push and shove you to teach you a lesson.