A lot of people talk about how retail is possibly the worst kind of job a person could have... but what about food service. It takes a special kind of person to be a server. A patient person. I've been a server for quite a while now. With experience you start to wonder if you're crazy for being a servers. Here are some thoughts that run through my mind as I work.
1. "I JUST got here... How do I already have 3 tables??"
It's either that or "I've been here for forty minutes and I have yet to get a table."
2. "How do I say you're an idiot without sounding mean?"
Nothing worse than a customer asking a question even though answer is IN THE MENU.
3. "Do not roll your eyes. DON'T DO IT."
How do I have zero tables when all I see is other servers running around frantic?
5. "WHY did I just get triple-seated?"
6. "This customer is definitely wrong."
Yeah, the 'the customer is always right' is a myth.
7. "Are you serious right now?"
This thought occurs about every 3 minutes.
8. "Don't forget to smile."
That smile is the difference between a five dollar tip and a ten dollar tip.
9. "Ugh... side work."
10. "Should I tell her that I have to charge her for extra... or wait til she gets her bill?"
11. "Wait... is he hitting on me?"
Followed by "I wonder if he'll tip me well"