Summer is the time for family, and vacations. But sometimes you still have to go to work. But if you're like me, you know that you can count on your impending vacation to get you through your last shift.
5. Maybe I'll just glance at the clock...
It has to be closer to time to leave, right?
11. What time is it now?
Maybe it'll be time to leave! I'll check.
13. Do I have a good playlist ready?
It's very important to jam on the trip. More important than this shift probably.
14. Did I pack everything I need?
Did I bring the cute sweater I bought from Target? Did I pack enough towels? What about makeup?
16. Okay... Maybe I should pay attention to my work now?
We'll see what happens?
19. Nope.
It's been 20 minutes. Why is time stopped??
20. Can't I just go already?
I mean... Am I really necessary?
23. I can't wait to relax!
I runaround here like a chicken with my head cut off half the time, so it'll be great to not do that for a day or two.
24. I hope this place burns down while I'm gone...
I mean... I'd get an extended vacation! It's gonna be great.
25. #PermanantVacation?
I could quit and then I'd be stress free for at least two weeks... But money is nice... Maybe I shouldn't quit.
29. Can I just get paid to stay away from here?
Dreams can come true sometimes, right?
30. It's time to GO!
Time to leave! Vacation is here! No more work talk, I will block your numbers.
Work is a necessary part of life. But vacations are also necessary. Don't forget to relax sometimes.