The end of the semester is near! There is about six more weeks until summer break is here. I can't wait to be sitting out in the sun on the beach after these few weeks are up. There are only a few more essays, tests, final exams and early wake up days left until we're free for three months! With elections also around the corner, I will try to bring light to the controversy happening in politics. Here are 11 thoughts on the semester as told by Donald Trump!
1. "Use Chicago manual style"
What?! Another essay with only 3 weeks left?!
2. When your professor says they'll have a review day and never does...
This happens way more often than it should.
3. Oral presentations that you don't know anything about...
Fake it til you make it!
4. When you see your grades
Sometimes you just have to accept it..
5. When someone debates with you in class
And they're completely wrong..
6. Going to the campus gym for the first time
First time all year!
7. Knowing your coming home to a summer job!
Feel like a millionaire all of a sudden!
8. Skipping class for 3rd time this week
No big deal right?
9. When your teacher assigns homework the week before the semester ends..
This is not okay.
10. When everyone's drinking and you have a final the next day
That's always fun....
11. When you realize the freshman fifteen was actually real..
and it's bikini season...