Sometimes. I feel like I am always waiting for life to happen. I feel like I just sit, and contemplate, as these images fly past my vision. Oh wait, that's a car, and that's my time rushing right past me.
In my 20 years of life, I have probably spent a solid year of that standing in the heat and snow, waiting for my fucking bus. It's a never ending cycle of looking for bus stops and religiously studying route maps and times. If you understand my no car struggles, you will have thought these same things:
1. Let's get to the stop 5 minutes early so I don't miss it
2. Wait, did I miss it?
3. Fuck, I did miss it.
4. It's OK I only have to wait 30 minutes for the next one.
5. I wonder what that stain is on the seat...
6. Uh, Excuse me, please stop talking on speaker phone.
7. Why does this person not have shoes on?
8. I am so bored, I am going to make life stories up about people. (You were once a shoemaker and now you sell bracelets to pay for your diabetes medicine.)
9. Why is this person eating a chipotle burrito on the bus?
Why not. Who has time for a table?