After every break, there is that long and aggravating trip back to campus. Whether you take a bus, train, or car, a 15-minute trip or an 8-hour ride, it's never a fun experience. We head back to cafeteria food, the idea of finals, and thoughts of holiday shopping marching through our heads. For those of us who have to go through this ride and the weeks that follow, here a few common thoughts we all may share.
1. Alright, this won’t be that bad, I’ll just sleep for most of the ride.
2. There are too many office buildings in the world.
3. Maybe I should finish up that essay.
4. That was a good effort, but I should probably just try sleeping.
5. My ass hurts so much right now.
6. I can’t sleep, because of this incredible ass pain.
7. Why are we going so slow?
8. Why are we going so fast?!
9. If I barf, would it be better to do so in my bag or in the aisle as I’m walking to the bathroom?
10. So they meant WiFi in a metaphorical sense?
11. My ass is now numb. This is progress.
12. Stop and go is my least favorite kind of traffic.
13. How can I be hungry, thirsty, and have to pee all at the same time?
14. I can’t go to the bathroom because then people would know I go to the bathroom.
15. I’m probably going to die on this bus. It's probably like those "Final Destination" movies where they have a premonition right before a big tragedy happens. If I get off the bus now I’ll probably get my hand stuck in a garbage disposal or something. Better to stay on and try to sleep.
16. I’m going to sleep now.
17. My bag would defiantly be the best place for barf.
18. How am I going to make the cookies mom packed me last until winter break?
19. I ate all the cookies mom packed me.
20. My ass hurts again.