No matter how many times I read my syllabus, I never fail to feel overwhelmed. There's always that class where your final exam is 40% if your grade, or that class where you have to read 100 pages a night, or where you only have so many absences before your grade drops an entire letter. So while I stress-ate chips and salsa and read my syllabus, here were my thoughts.
1. "When my professor asks us to say our name and year, I'm going to say "Hi, I'm Stress, Class of 2020." There's no doubt about it; I've accepted my fate."
"Hi! I'm Stressed-Overwhelmed-Cried-Twice-This-Morning-Alone, how are you?"
2. "The syllabus says 'Do not worry' which means this is probably a hard class, but Professor, you are truly an angel."
A professor who understands and cares is truly from up above.
3. "We have multiple exams AND papers in this class? This is too much. I didn't sign up for this."
"So you say this class is a lot of work and I actually have to try? No thanks."
4. "Attendance is mandatory? I'll probably go anyways because of my crushing anxiety, but now I have even more anxiety."
Deep breaths, deep, out, in out.
5. "Extra credit? You just spoke my language."
Hakuna Matata!
6. "Is it worth it to drop this class needed for my major for one considered 'an easy A?' Debatable."
Is it really debatable though?
Everything is NOT fine.
8. "Okay not to be dramatic but this class might actually kill me. And my sleep schedule. This is the end. Rip."
"It's been nice knowing you. I need to go dig my grave and take a nap now."
9. "I'm adulting and it's giving me teen angst...what?"
10. "Maybe I should just go search for jobs you can have with half of a college degree."
"There aren't any jobs for someone with half a college degree? What? I blame the government."
11. "Okay, calm down, the syllabus is always overwhelming at the beginning. I can do this."
"Things will get better things will get better things will get better."
While school can definitely be stressful, don't forget that you've got this. You'll learn what's expected, get in the groove of everything, and have fun along the way. Take breaks when you need to and don't be too hard on yourself. Your health comes first!