Let's just say that my first year as a resident assistant ended...interestingly. Our residence life staff was quite literally given a five-minute warning before a school-wide email was sent detailing the closing of our campus due to the coronavirus. Closing weekend was definitely the craziest weekend of my life: it was nonstop checking students out of the residence hall and making sure the building itself was ready for closing. Now that the dust has finally settled and I've more or less fallen into a schedule at home, I am able to laugh at myself and every crazy thought I had that weekend. I tend to turn to humor when things get serious, so how else to describe closing than with one of my favorite shows?
So, as told by the show "New Girl," here are 14 thoughts every RA had during their closing weekend.
1. When your supervisor first tells you campus is closing...
GiphyHahahaha, I'm sorry what?
2. ...and you realize it means you have to say goodbye to your coworkers (i.e. new best friends).
Someone please tell me how I'm supposed to survive without Starbucks runs with my favorite people?
3. The moment you have to take your bulletin board down.
Look, I worked hard on that bulletin board, and it deserved to live longer than two weeks.
4. Sitting at the check out table, waiting for a resident to show up
Are you ready to check out? No? What about you? Anyone? Okay, I'll be here all day!
6. ...And completely forgetting that you also have to pack
As if this weekend couldn't get any busier.
7. Saying goodbye to all of your residents and begging them to keep in touch
Please can we be friends?
8. Trying to figure out online classes in all this mess
The number of emails I sent my professors that started with "So I'm an RA..." was too high.
9. When you are one of the only people left in the building
GiphyMy floor? Is completely empty? I don't like it
11. When residents ask me things I have no way of knowing
GiphyGuys, I can assure you I am also asking those exact same questions.
12. Or when a resident bombards you with questions that can be answered in the many emails that we sent out.
GiphyWe are as confused as you are. All we know is IN THE EMAIL.
13. The moment when you realize you need to go home before quarantine leaves you stuck on campus
I love campus, don't get me wrong, but...I want to go home.
14. And finally, when your first year as an RA is officially over
The greatest experience I've had in college so far, and I'm so sad it was cut short. At least there's always next year!
As you laugh at my crazy RA-brain thoughts, please, please, please remember to stay inside and wash your hands!! Stay safe everyone!