So by now, everyone has already watched, fallen in love with and grieved over the ending of the lovable TV show "Friends" that took the world by storm in the mid 1990s, well everyone except for me. I haven't been completely devoid of the show (so don't hate me yet), thanks to my laugh track loving dad, I have grown up seeing snippets of various "Friends" episodes and of course, thanks to pop culture, I already know all the characters' names and some of their backstory. Today was my first time watching a complete "Friends" episode and that too, the very first episode that was released all the way back in 1994 (I'm only 23 years late, 20 if you don't count the years I wasn't born yet, and really only 8 if you don't count the years before I was allowed to watch tv shows that talked about sex and drugs and all — on my own). Better late than never, right?
Well, anyway here are some of the thoughts and questions that I had while watching "Friends" for the first time.
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1. I kinda don’t like the fact that they’re all already friends from the start.
It would’ve been better if maybe some of them were friends & the other joined in later, but maybe that would be a little too “How I Met Your Mother”-ish. Well, maybe they’ll have awesome backstories of how they met.
2. Wow, they wear weird clothes.
3. There are so many laugh tracks. Oh my god, that wasn’t even that funny.
4. Okay, so Rachel’s new. Cool, I got what I wanted already.
5. Oh, she’s so cute.
6. Okay, I seriously can't keep my eyes off of that gorgeous wedding dress.
7. I love how both Rachel and Ross just came in drenched from the rain & out of their past relationships, seems so symbolic.

8. Oh, they’re so adorable together. Look at him dumping Sweet'N Low into her decaf and mixing it in with his spoon.
9. Okay that part when she was yelling out clothing metaphors was pretty funny.
10. They say a lot of weird random things (Chandler saying he wishes he was a lesbian; Phoebe pulling out four eyelashes) that the laugh track apparently just loves dying over - I wonder if they do that often.
11. I’m so gonna get Chandler and Joey mixed up; their names should’ve been switched to match their personalities (they're both so adorable though).
12. Ooh, I like Paul the Wine Guy.
13. So, I’ve seen the famous “Pivot!” gif from “Friends”, so I can hardly tell that these guys have terrible luck with furniture and I can’t wait to see what happens with the furniture they’re trying to build now.
14. Aww, Paul the Wine Guy is so charminggg.
15. Oh, I love spit takes and that was just awesome.
16. Oh, what such sad music.
17. Wow, okay that was short.
18. Okay, I love Chandler; he’s hilarious.
19. Oh Paul…I don’t like you no more.
20. Okay, I had to go back and watch Monica push Joey off the arm of the couch a second a time.
21. Oh my god I can’t believe Ross just said that!
22. Aww she said yes! Okay, she said maybe.
23. He didn’t even look into her eyes, but that was still great.

24. Aw that was a great ending.
25. And that was an even BETTER extra added ending scene.

26. I wonder if Chandler’s dreams are gonna appear in every episode, I really want them to.
27. I really wanna find out what happened with Ross’s furniture.
28. I also want Monica to get back at Paul the Wine Guy, who I will now be referring to as Paul the Whine Guy.
29. I can’t wait for Barry to make an appearance and to see if he really does look like Mr. Potato Head.
30. I can finally see why this was and still is such a great show.
Since these thoughts were written down on Friday and it's been a few days then, I would like to confess that I've actually started binge watching "Friends" and while my thoughts on the first episode were a little mixed, the ones after episode two were just too awesome to stop watching. I actually got to the point of starting to sing along with the theme song and finding parts in the theme song that I've already watched, and finally understanding all those "Friends" references I missed over the years. I won't say how many episodes I've seen since then, but let's just say I might have a bit of a problem now.