There has already been a lot of talk about Ashley Tipton's win on Project Runway's Season 14 finale. Tipton had been a front-runner throughout the entire season with the judges and other contestants loving her bright colored and made-to-wear clothing for plus-size women. She ended up winning the entire season with a collection that was not flattering and boring compared to the other designers in the finale show. The other designers were Kelly Dempsey, Edmond Newton, and Candice Cuoco . Each designer had a strikingly different style. Kelly was known for her funky looks all season and produced a collection that was inspired by Studio 54 and New York street style. Edmond wowed the judges the entire season with looks that were sexy for the sophisticated women. Then there was Candice, who throughout the season was known for her sleek and mostly black looks that made a woman look strong and sharp.
It personally came as a shock to me when Heidi Klum announced that Kelly was out and Ashley had won Project Runway. I had been a huge Ashley supporter the whole season. In fact, her look with the Polaroids during the unconventional challenge was my favorite look I had ever seen on the show.
Her red carpet look was well-made and unique from the rest of the designers.
Her designs throughout the season were interesting and made for women to wear every day. They weren't clothes you would see in a fashion show and never see anyone actually wear on the street. Her win came as a shock to me because I don't believe her final collection represented her very well. I loved the fact that she used plus-sized models to show off her clothes, but that wasn't enough to cover the fact that her clothes had fitting issues and some of the outfits were simply unflattering.
And I'm sorry, but these flower crowns killed me.
People are already arguing that Ashley won the competition because it was a Project Runway first for someone to win with a plus-sized collection. I think that this statement is true. I believe that if her collection was worn by models who were not plus-size it wouldn't have won. Some of her clothes were indeed flattering and nice for plus-sizes, but overall it was a pretty "meh" collection, especially compared to what she had made throughout the entire season.
I am disappointed that Ashley won and disappointed because her collection was one that did not represent her as a designer. Maybe the judges chose her to win because they thought that overall she was the best designer, or maybe they actually did choose her to win so Project Runway could have a first.
Kelly Dempsey had a collection that out-shined the rest. I had never seen any other designer in the history of Project Runway that was similar to her. Her clothes were funky and extremely well-made.
This season of Project Runway had extremely talented designers who all had very different styles. It is a shame that the winner of the show probably only won because she gave Project Runway a good name for themselves. Even though the other designers didn't win, that doesn't mean they will not be successful in their fashion careers. I'm sure we will be seeing a lot of them in the fashion world now.