1. "Aw, look at her. So strong and female." in reference to Chelsea Clinton
2. "Literally? They literally couldn't be higher?"
3. "Groundbreaking. The man practiced. Wow. He really is presidential."
4. "Well, yes, because it WAS a stunt!" in reference to Trump's guests last debate
5. "What, if they shake hands he won't stalk her around the stage like she's prey?"
6. "Honestly, what I really want is for her to smack him across the face and cuss him out instead of a handshake; how about that?"
7. "At this point I just scream 'You misogynistic pig!'"
8. "Pantsuit on point as always. This woman is my life. I wonder if she has a white mic again."
9. "Hillary looks ready for battle."
10. "Make sure your microphone isn't broken." in reference to Trump adjusting his microphone
11. "She forgot the plus in LGBT+ but that's okay; she at least mentioned it."
12. "No duh." in reference to not reversing marriage equality
13. "He's red." "He looks like he doesn't have eyelashes."
14. "Thank you; that is how the Constitution and appointing justices works."
15. "Ginsburg's statements weren't recent???"
16. "Unlike you. Ever." in reference to Trump mentioning RBG apologizing
17. "Does he know how amendments work? I don't think he does."
18. "I think [the Second Amendment] might be the only amendment he knows. How 'bout the 19th, buddy?"
19. "You know, somehow I don't believe him when his supporters got #Repealthe19th trending."
20. "Yeah, the way [the Second Amendment] was meant to be, when people had barely functioning muskets!"
21. "I had a cup of coffee; I'm ready!"
22. "You hated Arkansas. Don't even."
23. "Okay, that's a fair point she's making. You can disagree with the way the Court interprets an amendment."
25. "She's allowed to be angry about something? You can be angry and yet respectful- oh wait, you don't understand that."
26. "So what I'm hearing is that she's passionate. I like that."
27. "Pulling in the pathos!"
28. "Common sense. What a rare thing."
29. (sarcastically) "Oh, he's bringing back stop-and-frisk. It'll be great."
30. "Because they're crazy and so are you! It's like Satan supporting the Grinch!"
31. "He just can't answer the question, can he."
32. "Thank you for being a decent human being." at Clinton
33. "Women always have stringent regulations. And we kick butt anyway."
34. "She's doing a good job of bringing in pathos."
35. "Thank you! That was a fantastic response! Women should have agency over their own opportunities!"
36. "Does he know how abortions work?"
37. "Okay, if you're not okay with that, then don't!"
38. "Doctors aren't just going around and ripping babies out of vaginas!"
39. "Does he not realize women choose to have abortions? It's a choice? It's not forced upon them? Does he even know how vaginas work?"
40. "Does he realize the purpose of audiences?"
41. "Does he understand anything?"
42. "Heroin is a problem for natural-born citizens too..."
43. "They have McDonald's in underground tunnels from Mexico to here. A wall isn't going to do anything."
44. "Did he say 'hambres'? He knows that means hunger, not men, right?"
45. "The word 'comprehensive' makes anything sound better."
46. "'Very much better?' Really, Donald?"
47. "Wait, huh? When did she want the wall? I'm so confused."
48. "Border security does not equal a wall, Donald. That's like replacing airport security with a wall."
49. "You were born here. You have no idea how difficult it is [to become a citizen]."
50. "Donald never admits to anything; that's probably why he has so many ex-wives."
51. "Where did he get 550%?"
52. "He makes me want to puke."
53. "What, so just saying the words [radical Islamic terrorism] is going to fix the problem?"
"That's because he'd rather have a puppet for President."
- Hillary Clinton
55. "I don't know how she keeps her cool. I would've slapped him by now."
56. "Did he just say he never met Putin? We have pictures to fact-check that, right?"
57. "Let's calculate the percentage of words that he says that are actually part of sentences."
58. "It's just gonna shove all the wealth up the one percent's butt."
59. "His grammar is an atrocity."
60. "Buddy, that's how alliances work. People already hate us enough."
61. "Does he realize our allies are watching him turn his back on them?"
62. "He's flirting with the moderator." (bitterly) "He doesn't flirt. He can do what he wants. He's a star."
63. "He's fondling the microphone."
64. "Our unemployment is right around the natural rate of unemployment."
65. "I don't think he understands how economics work either." "I don't think he does. He's at the top. He doesn't have to deal with it."
66. "The moderator only cuts her off."
67. "Right. Because negotiating trade deals are part of the duties of the First Lady of Arkansas."
68. "I'm liking the tone she has this time."
69. "Okay, you built a company but you didn't do anything good for anyone except yourself."
70. "She gave me ISIS? Sounds like a college guy being like 'She gave me chlamydia.'"
71. (sarcastically) "Gotta love how the moderator assumes the women are lying."
72. "She's feeling very Leslie Knope right now."
73. "I'm pretty sure Mike Huckabee has more respect for women than you do, Donald. Don't even start with me."
74. "You can grope women and get away with it and run for the presidency? Don't start with me, Donald."
75. "He's like a two-year-old. But worse."
76. "You can't just scream 'Wrong!'" "There are literally videos!"
77. "This isn't what happens in America."
Editor's note: Donald Trump has been proven to be a misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, and Islamophobic human being who lies continuously and has threatened to jail his opponent. He refuses to agree to concede the election if he were to lose, and his words have become increasingly more dictatorial. His presidency would be a threat to our country, our allies, and the people who have opposed him.