Part of being an education major is doing a ton of professional field hours that are required by the Pennsylvania Department Of Education. Sometimes the field hours are incredibly entertaining and useful. Other times... not so much. There are a lot of things that go through my mind that I thought you would like a peek into. Or maybe even relate to.
1. I wonder how many times a day those exact directions have to be repeated...
2. Do all kids "dab" as a form of celebration?
3. I have heard the word "yeet" used way too many times today.
4. I am in awe that the teacher can retain composure when the students are acting like animals.
5. Wow. I didn't learn that. Wait... did I learn that?
6. I wish we had this when I was in middle school.
7. I forgot how hard it is to get 11 year olds to focus...
8. So. Many. Fortnite. References.
9. They still use fidgit spinners?
10. That's good... I should write that down.
11. Hey! I know what standard that is! Yes!
12. How long have I been here?
13. I should interact with the kids.
14. Does the teacher want me interacting with the kids? I'll ask.
Man, I need to go pee. How does the teacher hold it so long?
16. What the hell is the "floss"?
17. Why are they dancing? Is that the floss?
18. This teacher has the patience of a Buddhist monk.
19. Why do they all suddenly have to pee right before or after a quiz?
20. Do I tell her the teacher the kid in the back is on Snapchat?
21. What time am I supposed to leave?
22. This teacher is a classroom management guru.
23. Honestly, I think I should bring the teacher flowers at the end of the semester.
24. Yes! Friday is jeans day!
25. I hope I don't look like one of the kids...
26. They are all so much calmer after lunch time.
27. How are they so awake at 7 a.m.?!
28. That's a lot of papers to grade. Yikes.
29. I should ask where the decorations in the classroom are from... I love it in here.
30. I should take note of the educational stuff on the walls.
31. I don't teach like this... am I teaching wrong?
32. I can't wait to do this every day!