Finals week is quickly approaching, and summer is right around the corner. During this time, it’s hard to be excited about having to take multiple exams all in one week. This is the final stretch before you can finally feel a sense of relief from all the stress of college life –– remember you can do this!
1. Try not to stress.
Although stress is not avoidable, try your best to reduce the effect it has on you. Stress will make you forget the simplest things, and especially when you need to remember the most complicated things right now- it’s not a good situation to be in.
2. You’ll learn from your previous mistakes.
If you fail, try again. Success takes trial and error.
3. There is only one more exam left, the final, for most of your classes.
Only one more exam stopping you from going home. Don't give up. You have to do your best because this exam can determine the final letter grade you’ll get in the course, and ultimately will impact your future GPA.
4. After this week, you won’t have to remember any of your classes’ material anymore.
You can close the books and prepare yourself for the harder classes to come.
5. Remember that you’re so close to being done with the semester.
This is the final push before you’re moving yourself and your stuff back home for the summer.
6. All of the suffering will be worth it in the end.
Practice makes perfect, and you don’t become a genius overnight. It takes an amplitude amount work and time.
7. Once you pass this, you’ll have one less semester to go.
One down, an eternity to go!
8. You’ll keep adding up credits.
Credits are important, not only because you need at least 120 to graduate with your Bachelors degree, but the number of credits you earn will allow you to register sooner. They determine which class you are technically in and how much longer you have to be in school.
9. Soon, you’ll have nearly a 4-month break from school.
Ah, the beauty of summer break. A break from school will be well deserved. Relax, enjoy the sun, and make the most of your summer vacation.
10. At the end of this week, you will have all the freedom that only a summer break can give you.
You can do whatever you want. Whether that be to take more classes, to travel, to get a job, to live it up, or to sleep for days on end, you have the freedom to do it all.
"The harder you work for something, the greater you feel when you achieve it." - Anonymous