The end of the year is here!!!! Which means.... moving all the crap out of your tiny dorm room and back into the basement of your parents house. There it will stay until you have to drag it back to another small, cramped room. Even though finals are not over yet, you begin to pack your college life into boxes as many thoughts rush through your mind:
1. I should really be studying for that final tomorrow.
2. But I also have to pack.
3. I'll study when I'm done.
4. Do I really need to take this gross rug home?
5. Will I ever be able to wash the crap out of it?
6. How did it even get so dirty?
7. Why did I think I would need measuring cups?
8. Am I a chef?
9. Next year, I probably won't bring them.
10. I only used this knife twice.
11. But if I didn't have it, I would miss it.
12. It's totally worth the space they take.
13. When was the last time I washed these sheets?
14. Should I wash everything before I pack it?
15. Nah, I'll do that before move in day.
16. Why did I bring so many boxes and baskets?
17. They're mostly empty.
18. But they are so cute.
19. I think I'll try to fill them up with something next year.
20. Three lamps are too many lamps.
21. But I hate the fluorescent light.
22. So they are necessary to make it homey.
23. I love the way these Christmas lights look!
25. Next year, I'll bring more.
26. Christmas lights everywhere!
27. I can't reach those command hooks.
28. How did I even get them up there?
29. Right, my roommate is really tall.
30. Should I just leave them up there?
31. Is it safe to climb on the piled dressers to try and grab them?
32. I'll ask a tall friend to help me.
33. I need more wall decorations.
34. I'm sure I can find some really cute canvases this summer.
35. I need them to make my room look extra-homey next year.
36. Why did I bring so much clothes?
37. I never wore half of these.
38. Ooh! I forgot I brought this sweater!
39. I need to put it where I can see it.
40. This fridge is nasty.
41. How old is this milk?
42. Wow! It's too old!
43. That's disgusting.
44. I don't remember buying this yogurt.
45. Ew! Now I know why I don't remember.
46. I brought way too many things.
47. I need to be more selective with what I bring next year.
You will probably end up riding home, cramped with all your stuff and filled with regret. You will promise yourself that next year, you will only bring what you absolutely need. But we all know, that promise will be broken because everyone needs measuring cups and empty boxes in a dorm room.