It's that time of the year again...winter. The snow and cold can only be made worse by the fact that we go to school at one of the largest campuses in the entire United States.
1. Is it even worth going to class?
Let’s face it: that walk to Campbell Hall from your North Campus dorm doesn’t seem appealing at any point during the year, but especially when there’s snow on the ground and you can barely have any of your skin uncovered. Your 8 a.m., 9:10, and 10:20 all seem pretty unappealing at this point.
2. How do I get an athlete puffer coat?
Every athlete has one, so why shouldn't you? Probably because you aren't putting in the same work they are. These coats can be found all over campus, usually surrounded by athletes wearing the exact same coat. The cold would be a little more bearable if you had this as an option.
3. Is it time to transfer?
It’s easy to be tempted by the allure of a small college campus when the temperatures are in the single digits. Ohio State is definitely great, but being warm and not having to walk a mile in the snow seems pretty tempting.
4. Am I going to make the next bus?
I do more calculations about what time I need to get out of bed to make the bus in time than I do my math classes. It’s better to wait nine minutes for a bus than walk ten minutes in the cold. It’s all fun and games until you miss your bus and have to walk the ten minutes for class, though.
5. Why do we not have snow days?
It’s pretty frustrating when the tweets start rolling in about other colleges closing who are about half your size. Does the administration not realize the struggle of walking across one of the largest campuses in the country?
6. Is it almost spring break?
The cold? Unbearable. Classes at this point in the semester? Also unbearable. Each day brings you a little closer to spring break, though. Just imagine the palm trees and hanging out on the beach (if you can afford it at least). You just need to make it through ~2 more months of the extreme cold (and extremely difficult classes).
Good luck out in the cold, Buckeyes. I believe in you.