Since I started as a writer for the Odyssey, I've worked to appeal to my friends and complete strangers as much as possible. I have asked what kind of things they want me to write, and told to write whatever I want. I speak my mind, only a couple people notice. I apply a diplomatic tone, I get ignored. The irony is that no matter what I write, what tone I use, virtually all of my articles are scrolled by, save for a few faithful; people claim they hate politics, and I keep that out; they claim to hate drama, I keep that out. They claim they are superior lifeforms to every other animal, yet the only articles that have gotten much attention is the Redwall one I had to push a while back, and a few thoughts I had about dating; while I hold that topic in high esteem that even other religious people don't quite seem to fathom, at it's core, it is still technically part of a primal instinct. And the emails I get regarding trending topics from Odyssey reveal that dating, drama, and/or negativity are commonly present in the most-read articles. I think people are afraid of the truth. They claim to be open to diversity, but either can't take my thought process (not calling myself unique or special, just repeating what other people have told me) or just don't like my writing style. And I know I am not alone in this. Many great writers are ignored. I understand some who want to be famous authors demand attention, push their work to the point that it is annoying. Until I experienced it, I did not realize what I myself was doing.
What is it? Are we friends enough that you can tell me what you really want, or am I just another "friend" on Facebook that can like whatever product or page you're pushing or will push in the future? Yes, there are some drama makers I unfollowed and later unfriended because that is all they seem to thrive on, and kept them only long enough to see if they would assist. But I didn't want their "Like." I wanted to see if perhaps I could give them something, anything, to rise above their drama. I understand, not everyone cares about the topics I write because they feel it does not affect them; same with the genres of books I author. Some people cannot exist in deep waters, living entirely in shallow streams. I don't mean that offensively, I use an analogy from a friend who wishes he could understand and interact with the shallow because both matter. I exist in both enough to understand them, but not enough to really be either one.
Truth be told, I value honesty and objectivity. I prefer data-led conclusions to conclusion-led data. I know what it is like to be busy, and not have time to help everyone of your friends with their personal projects. But I find it odd that twenty people are quickly willing to offer encouragement to write these yet don't even acknowledge their existence. People say they want utopia, but fail to see that every successful attempt to start require that everyone do something, not wait around for someone else to invent flying cars and jetpacks. Yes, words matter, but so do actions. So, unlike the man who first asked the question, "What lack I yet?" I will make the changes necessary. Should it have to take me calling out the guilty like this in public? Or do I, in fact, have no friends?
I think it is time people take a hard look at themselves and ask what they really want; dispel the trivialities of celebrities, only discuss the essential in politics and leave the rest alone, and determine who is really their friend. I don't need anyone like me, anyone who knows me knows that I am unique, uninhibited through choice and certain experience to show my inner self. Many who believe they are likewise in truth are hiding behind a mask for fear that they will be rejected. People, the only ones I rejected are those who live a lie shamelessly and blindly and refuse all help. I have never, even in my weakest moments, rejected anyone otherwise. Please, open yourselves. I promise, I will never betray you. I have friends that will attest to that. The first step is acknowledging the problem. And a good second is to stop watching mindless drivel, and support your friends' businesses. You don't have to use the product or even like it. But surely you have other friends who will. I won't unfriend you; I just beg that you learn what you truly seek.