As I traveled back home for the holidays, it got me thinking.
The thrill of going on an airplane is something I have always loved about traveling. I love the chaotic mess airports bring. People running all directions, on a mission to get to their desired destination. It is exciting to stare at the departure board, knowing people around me are about to embark on their own journeys, perhaps, even to the other side of the world. Taking off reminds me of a countdown. A countdown to the journey I am about to take. And once I am up in the air, it feels as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Me being the “go-getter” kind of person that I am, for a few short hours, I am forced to sit back and become still. It forces me to become unplugged. No texts or emails to be sent, but instead, I get to sit there in my own thoughts.
Whenever I am on a plane and luck out with a window seat, I always land with a few more thoughts in my head than when I took off. And throughout my time on planes, I have always reminded myself of a few important things.
The World Is Big and My Problems Are Small
Now do not get me wrong, I think every problem one faces, no matter if it is big or small, is important. However, when I am up in the air, thousands of feet from the ground, I am reminded that in the realms of issues people face in this world, many of my issues are small. While I may be complaining about having to walk to class in the cold or my car gas tank running low, another kid just a country away might be wondering if they will get to eat that day or where they will be able to sleep that night. Looking out a plane window, into a mountain range, a valley or even a canyon is always a humbling sight to see. Because I know that the world I live in is big; and sometimes, although my problems and the adversity I face are important, they can be small compared to what others encounter on a daily basis. I think it is important for everyone to have moments like these where they are reminded of their blessings, and never sweat the small stuff.
Disney Was Right, It Is a Small World After All.
Contrary to my belief that this world is big and my problems are small, Disney was right; it is a small world after all. Despite that Disneyland’s famous attraction ride, and song “It’s A Small World” was one of my favorite rides, there is a lot of truth that comes with it. While I was always fascinated by the colors, characters and imagery all around me, never did I pay attention to the underlying meaning behind it all. Too small is our world to let anger, hatred and discrimination be in the center of society. In a time where we see so much belittling and derogatory acts take place both politically and socially, rarely does it seem that we remember how small this world is. However, never is it too small to fill it with enough love for our neighbors. Never will this world be too big to show small acts of love. So the next time you have the opportunity to hold the door open for someone, give a compliment, or serve in any way you can, take it. Small acts of service in a small world can make BIG ripple effects. Never underestimate the impact you can have in this world.
As the plane ride comes to an end, and the plane is preparing to land, I am always filled with the same sense of excitement and thrill than when I took off. I am always reminded that life on this place we call earth is sacred and should be lived to the fullest. As cliché as that may seem, it is true. I have lived on this earth long enough to know that when I leave it, the only thing I will look back on as my affirmation of a life well lived, will be the memories and relationships I made. I am reminded to be extraordinary and never discouraged. That although this world can sometimes look small, and feel big at the same time, I have the true potential to make it a better place and pursue anything I want to accomplish. Walt Disney said it best. “All our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”