Like many of you out there, I have waited six years for the new 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movie. Growing up with these movies, I was excited for the fifth installment in the franchise rather than exasperated with another sequel (like I am with 'Transformers'). After seeing 'On Stranger Tides', years ago, I was ready for the next movie, longing for some Orlando Bloom. I preordered my tickets for the earliest premiere time, and just hours before writing this, I attended the more than two-hour movie along with my sister. Once the credits rolled and the lights signaled the end, my sister spared no time raving about it, but I had different feelings. Dead men tell no lies, and neither do I when it comes to what I think about this movie.
The filming was fine. New locations: islands and towns were used. The scenery, shots, and cinematography are not what my conflicted feelings are about. My sentiments are dedicated solely to the plot. This movie takes a different direction than the others in its series, and I am still not sure how I fully feel about it. It is no secret that the plot of the film ties in two previous characters: Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan. In the third movie they were separated by a curse, and in the one that has just come out Henry Turner, their son, tries to solve the problem with the help of Captain Jack Sparrow and Carina Smyth.
First, I loved the characters of Henry and Carina. In my opinion, the actor who plays Henry is perfect for the role. His life in the film is shown to be dedicated to knowing the sea and in order to help his father and free him from 'The Flying Dutchman'. Carina is a horologist. No, it's not what you think. It's a person who studies time. She is also a love interest for Henry, but she exerts her power through her knowledge that is needed in order to find the trident (the object of the pirates' attention for this movie). This movie is almost a parallel to the first where Henry and Carina mirror Will and Elizabeth in a way. The thing about Henry that I have a problem with is that he does not have a vital enough role as I thought he would. Of course, he has a lot of screen time, but I didn't get enough of him. Carina seems to be almost more prominent than him, and I felt like there could have been more development with him. He never really mentions his mother or childhood, with the exception of one of the first scenes that depicts him as a child.
Jack was another issue for me. When someone says 'Pirates of the Caribbean' they think Jack Sparrow because he is the constant that is in all five movies. The pirate is known for always carrying rum and is always up to no good. People always underestimate the pirate, but his wits seem to get him out of trouble and death. Unlike the other movies, even though his drinking habits are on display in previous movies, I felt like the drunk card was played too much. Jack is portrayed to be losing his touch with his clever tricks. There is an awesome scene with a bank robbery before Jack gets arrested, though, that could have some people disagreeing. It may be just me, but Jack Sparrow personality differs in this movie.
'On Stranger Tides' had to be my favorite installment in the series because of the adventure and mythology tied with it, but this newest movie lacked what I loved in its predecessor. I was planning on this movie to be just as adventurous with different tasks and quests for the characters, but it was more focused on the action and fighting rather than the adventure. There are two different plotlines going on here with the ghost captain hunting down Jack Sparrow and the search for the trident. This is said to be the final chapter for 'Pirates', and there is too much going on to enjoy it. Even though the movie was more than two hours long, everything was so packed together. I felt like the protagonists were just being chased around the whole movie. I heard that one of the early scripts for this movie included a female villain, but Johnny Depp had an objection because it would have been similar to another film he played in. I wonder if it would have been better with a different villain, maybe one that was affiliated more with the trident?
*This paragraph contains a mild spoiler*. This is the vital issue I have with the plot of the film. THREE MOVIES!!! There have been three movies where Elizabeth Swan has been a complete badass to fight and save the man she loves: Will Turner. I HATE that she is not involved in helping with the finding of the trident. I cannot express enough how this is not in her character. I don't know if there was just not enough film time to put her in or if Kiera Knightley was too busy to film, but this was such a disappointment. I'm sorry, but the woman that was in the first to third films would not have let her son go by himself to save her husband. This is making me angry just thinking about it, so I have to stop now.
*Spoiler over*
Okay, so I know this seems like a really negative review, but I did enjoy seeing the movie. It may be me just trying to settle, but I'm just glad we got another 'Pirates' movie. How could I not? I have loved 'Pirates of the Caribbean' since I was a kid. It is such a daunting task making a sequel and trying to wrap up a story. Wrapping up a story will never please everyone. This movie did have good closure for many things, I will say, tying up loose ends put in place from other movies, and I am happy with the last couple of scenes. I personally did not stay after for the post-credit scene but heard that it hinted at another movie. I thought this was supposed to be the final wrap, but I guess we will have to see what 'Disney' has in store. Could the introduction of Brenton Thwaites really be in vain? WE NEED MORE DISNEY! I hope there will be the next one!
I would advise you to definitely go see the movie if you have seen the others! You will be satisfied, even if you have a couple grievances like me.