Our hometown high school is filled with every sort of person imaginable. I mean there's church kids, athletes, valedictorians, future presidents, and a few girls who lets just say have lost a few too many flower petals. But when it comes down to it, I wouldn't trade a single "imaginable" classmate. Too many times in high school we classify ourselves as "better than them" or even "not cool enough for them" when in reality we are all so similar.
We are all moving forward with our lives (some faster than others, granted) but we all only get four years to answer the inevitable questions that we thought, or rather hoped, we would never be asked; but somehow we don't relate. None of us have a clue what the lunch ladies are actually feeding us or why we don't have snow days when you can't even see the parking lot lines; but somehow we don't relate. All of us want the same things; acceptance, happiness, promised futures, and someone to care about the little things like how we like our cereal; but somehow we don't relate.
Somehow between kindergarten and now, through all the football games, dances, clubs, and traded relationships we've changed the way we see each other. In kindergarten we all had the same enemy, (which was nap time of course) and we all seemed to get along. Why? Because somehow we related, maybe it was the monkeys in a jar or cheesy songs we all grew out of, or maybe it was the fact that we all thought kindergarten was the end of our lives so we clung hopelessly to the kids around us, I'm not sure, but somehow we related.
So what I'm wondering is what happened. It being my senior year this coming fall, my prayer is that somehow we relate. Try to realize how similar we all are and maybe you could meet someone new. Honestly, what do you have to lose?